Good Morning!!! And, Happy Monday!!!! Awwwwwwwwwwww poor Monday! I don't hate ya! I'm just thrilled to be alive. Given the opportunity to see another Monday is a blessing!!! :)
What a strange weekend! lol
If someone were to ask me what I did this weekend, well...... I'm not sure I could tell you. I was there (lol) but can't really think of anything major that stuck out.
I did enjoy myself, though. Yeah. It was a pretty decent weekend. I had a nice lunch date with Hubby and Brandon on Saturday, and we ran around a bit. We watched movies, and pretty much stuck close to home. Yesterday, Brandon had a friend over, and they swam in the pool. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... Hubby made tropical drinks, and worked a bit on ebay. I went grocery shopping. Just regular stuff.
Other than that..... nothing much.
Today, I will think of something fun and exciting to do, here on my blog. I'm REALLY excited that I know how to post videos now. I look forward to putting bunches of them on here.... my very own!
Don't give up on me! Come visit. I always have something up my sleeve. I'm full of surprises!!!!! Life is a mystery! I am too! lol.
Hey, thanks for visiting!!! Isn't this fun? :P