Today I choose to be happy. I am feeling down - but don't want to...... So, I am going to keep my head up, and think of nice, happy things that make me feel good. I am responsible for my own happiness...... So, I decided that today, the sun will shine over me! :) Happy Tuesday.........
This morning, I dropped my daughter off at her Elementary School, for the very last time. She will be headed to Middle School in the Fall. So, of course... I felt all choked up. I pulled up to the very front of the School, jumped out of the car, and took some pictures of her in front of the School sign. She looked so grown up. Then, we hopped back in the car, and talked for a minute. Oh... as always, there was so much I wanted to say to her. *sigh... But instead, I let her talk to me. She told me how it was going to be sad, leaving her school. She's nervous to move up to middle school. I totally understand. It's a huge leap. But, she'll be okay :). So, I kissed her good-bye, and off she went. And me, well..... I drove off with thoughts running wildly through my head. I thought about so much. Most of all..... I was thinking and praying, that I am a good Mom. And that someday, those kids will remember me as being the best Mom in the world. :) I hope they do......
And so the day goes one. Moving right along.... Here I am. At work. Doing my usual stuff. Smiling to every face I see. Hoping that the rest of my day is good. And peaceful.
Post more soon......