Good afternoon! It's a very hot & humid day here in Pennsylvania. Hubby and I got up nice and early and took a nice morning ride around town to see what was going on in town. We stopped at a few yard sales, and checked things out. Not much to see, but it was nice to get out.
Once we got home, I treated myself to a nice long shower, and lots of TLC to my body. I LOVE my showers. There's nothing more refreshing than a relaxing body scrub, and warm water against my body. YUM!
Now, I'm just relaxing for awhile. No cleaning, no running... just taking it easy. Before we go out tonight to the party, I'll do my hair real pretty, and get all dressed up! I love to get dressed up! I think I'll wear my favorite black and white polka dot heels. I love sexy shoes! :) We'll see. I look forward to this party. Maybe I'll even do a little dancing! Just depends on my mood. Funny. I am really social. BUT, sometimes I can be pretty shy, and quiet. It all depends on how I feel at the time. YES! Even I can be quiet & Shy!!! :)
Hubby is taking a nap. It's nice. He never takes the time to just kick back and relax. I think it's really important to do once in awhile. He sure could use a break right now.
What else? Well, everything is going well. Life is good. And, I'm a happy camper.
I hope if you stumble upon this blog of mine, you too - are enjoying your day, and your life.
Until later......