Scales.. no two are the same, right? (lol)
Today, I got on a different scale than I usually do, and it showed that I only lost 1/2 lb.... ugh!
However, after some thought, and a review of what I had eaten while away over Memorial Day weekend, maybe it wasn't the scale :P I think It was me! In any event, it was a loss. I lost again! YIPPIE! I have now completed my 5th week. Each weigh in, the scale has gone down. I'm happy with my progress! I just have to keep on plugging along. All the way up to July 20th (the day before the cruise). Then, my goal is to maintain my weight DURING the cruise! lolol.... that should be interesting!!! I plan on having fancy drinks, yummy tropical fruits, and what ever the heck I please! :)
SO, I just saw the munchkins off for the weekend. I got home from clothes shopping just in time. I hope they have an awesome weekend. :) I hope I do, too!!!!!
It's hot H-O-T hot out there. whew.....
How ya feelin'? hot hot hot.... :)
So, this is my post- sharing my weight loss. I'm getting there.
Hugs and kisses to anyone who is interested enough in me to take the time to read about me, and my life. Good, bad, happy, sad..... it's my life. And I'm happy to be here, to share.