Good Morning! And Happy Thursday!
:) One more beautiful day! Don't you just love this weather?
SO, here we are. It's Thursday! I think this week flew! Wow. And, it was a breeze! So far. :)
This weekend should be fabulous! Well, I hope it will be! Time to go to Long Island! But, before that - a quick stop at the New Jersey Shore! So, Friday (Shore) Saturday, Long Island! Woooohoooo!
This Sunday is my Granny's 86th Birthday. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday when I cooked her a "surprise" breakfast, and decorated the kitchen with Balloons, and party hats. Yep. Just the two of us. It was so sweet. It was 1986, and she was turning 65. We were staying with her temporarily, while our house in PA was being built. I was 18. I got up early, cooked this awesome breakfast, set the kitchen table, decorated... and when she came in, she just burst into tears. :) Happy tears! It was so sweet. I will never forget that day.
And now, she will be 86. SO, a lot of the family will be traveling to the Island to see her. It should be really nice. She is sooooo excited. I have to admit, I am too. Besides seeing her, I do enjoy passing through Stony Brook Village. Where I grew. It's bittersweet. I can imagine myself as a little girl, at the bus stop... sitting on the steps - waiting. I can picture that same little girl, walking to town. To the beach. Yet, while I'm there - I almost feel like that was a completely different life. It sometimes feels like I'm thinking about someone else, that I used to know. Very tough to put in to words. Sometimes I pass by the schools I attended. I try to remember what life was like, back then. Sometimes I want to remember everything. I just can't. Too much time has passed, I guess.
IN any event, I DO look forward to going back. Reflecting.... and enjoying the company of my family. I hope it's a nice time. I really do look forward to it.
Oh, I better get busy!!! It seems I've gotten lost in my thoughts.
I hope this is a great day for you. YES, you.
Sweet. Today is going to be a good one.
Tomorrow morning, I have to be in Court. NOT such a nice morning. The accident, going over the whole thing AGAIN, having to sit in front of a bunch of people, facing the crazy guy who did it.... what a mess. I hope that it's easy, and not as stressful as I imagine it will be. I DON'T look forward to it. Last time, I was shaking so bad. I get so full of anxiety. I better drink juice before we go. I should eat something, so I don't pass out. I hope all goes well. AND, I hope it's QUICK.
Once it's over - I have a fantastic weekend ahead of me!
Be back soon!
Oh, how's this picture? Better????? *Big smile