Happy???? C'mon! Are ya Happy?? Let me see a smile! Give me a little smile....
:) (Has this girl gone nuts?) No!!!!!!! I'm just trying to fill some space, with goodness! Happiness!
So, if you're happy - Let the world know. Put that beautiful smile on that beautiful face of yours.
AND, if you're NOT Happy. Try to think about something that would make you feel good. And take a moment to enjoy it...... whatever "it" may be.
Last night. Well, let me tell ya - last night was just peachy. Great.. normal... life as unusual, until about 9:45 p.m.
I got home from work, made dinner for the the kids (and me)..... went to the gym, with the kids... Walked the complex, with the kids (lol).. got home, stretched out on the couch, played on the laptop for a little bit...
Watched some t.v.....hubby came home, and then - 9:45 p.m. : telephone call.
Our friend Zoran was having a crisis, and needed us. So, off we went. It's not easy. Not for everyone. Life is tough for so many people... on so many levels. For him, it's emotional. Which (in my opinion) is one of the worst ways to suffer....
So, he was basically suicidal. He wanted us to take him to the hospital. We sat and talked to him for awhile, and came to the conclusion that the hospital wasn't the answer. He's gone that route before, and they don't do anything there to help him. SO, we packed him up, and had him come home with us. He got to our house and told us how happy he felt inside to be there. Wow. It was really sweet. I could see the difference right away. His desperate look changed, and he seemed so relaxed. He really needed some support, and to know that someone cared.
SO, if you ever wonder what to do when you know someone is obviously in need, be there for them. Heck, it's not always convenient, or the best timing..... it might even be annoying, or frustrating, at first.... But, you never know when YOU might just be saving a life. And, the impact you can make, just being a friend - could make a world of difference. Think about it. I feel that way, so much. People can preach about how they want to help others, or talk about how much they care. But, actions always speak louder than words ever could.