Happy Happy Day!!!!!!!!!
:) :) :)
Today is going to be BEAUTIFUL! Inside & out!
Last night. I spent time with the kids, doing homework & stuff. Wow. There I sat, between these 2 big, growing, beautiful human beings. What's happening to my "little munchkins"? It happens in the blink of an eye. They are so sweet, and precious.
Anyway, it's funny.... how life moves right along. Seems like yesterday I was chasing around these little people. Now, they're both almost teenagers. AND, I am the luckiest woman on earth! I still have them clinging to me. How many kids that age walk with their Arms hooked in their Moms? Or, holding their hands? I don't even push that issue. I would never want to "embarrass" them. They actually run for me. And hug on to me.... Lucky me. Perhaps it comes from me? Because I am SOOOO affectionate?? I'd love to think so. :) Who knows! In any case... My night consisted of Shopping with them at "Old Navy" - and doing Homework. Then, I crashed! I was more tired than I realized.......
What else??? Oh, Mom told me that she and Dad are going on a River Cruise in RUSSIA. Next May. Oh my. Scary! I wish I had it in me to be able to do stuff like that. I don't - not yet, anyway. I'm a simple girl. All these trips to different countries make me uncomfortable. I'm most afraid of the flying part. Heck, I dream of flying to Vegas. However, I haven't gotten the guts up to do that!!!!
Oh... I better get busy!!!!
More blogging later.!
Good Morning - and Happy Day to you.