So, tomorrow will be a very fun day. I don't have to come into the office, and I get to leave to go to the beach after I leave my bosses house.
So, it's hot and humid outside. However, I am sitting at my desk with my heater on my feet. It's so difficult to predict the weather inside .... We watch the news to determine how we need to dress for the outside, but who do we turn to when we need to know what to wear to work? All I can say about that is, dress in layers. And so, I do. I wear light weight clothing and I always try to be sure I have a matching sweater with me. BUT, it never solves the issue of my feet. :)In the office, my feet are almost always cold. I can't help it. I wear sandals. I do not wear closed shoes in the summer. Never. I can't warm them up with socks. I'd look pretty silly with socks on and sandals. I can't even do like some tacky people do by slipping on a pair of slippers. (lol) I never ever know when one of the big bosses might need me right that second... and I can't be messing with my feet and changing my slippers... LOL.. so, I put the heater on and am in business. :) Well, until I step away from my heater... and then that's a whole new story. :) :) :)
Friends. Last night I was visiting with my hubby and his friend Bob. We were discussing friends. Good ones, bad ones, happy ones, sad ones. Most of all... how they can and will impact our lives. I enjoyed the conversation. I have some really amazing friends that have made such a positive impact on my life, my day to day happiness, and so forth. I am blessed to work with a few of them. It's great, I need a friend during the day, one is right there, around the corner. I love it. I am there for them too.
And then there are those who we call friends, yet often they leave us feeling conflicted, or we feel like they just might not have our best interest at heart. Seems we all have them in our lives. Why do we tolerate it? What makes them special enough to want to keep them around as a "friend". That was what we were talking about... is it really worth it? Sometimes the answer is yes, but usually the true answer is no. Something to think about. And I have been. But, I have also made a promise to myself to NOT invest a lot of time trying to figure out "why", because in the end, there's usually not an answer...
Speaking of friends... Lisa.. I have to call her. She is moving to Kentucky on Saturday. I have been in total denial. I am really going to miss her. I am going to miss the entire family. I will see her this Friday at her shore house.. but then that will be it until Christmas. How sad. Another change, another chapter turning.... And what a good hearted, true friend she is. She will be missed...
Now I better get back to work. I have a lot to accomplish before the end of the day. I won't be back in the office until next Monday, so I better quit "blogging" and get working. Well, in all fairness, I have to say. I did sit here and eat my lunch at my desk so I could take a break and blog. This is my lunch break today.
Time to go.
Being back on the blogging track feels so good. I am happy to be here...