I do enjoy fun and partying. I really do.... but what I enjoy the most, is spending the time with my sweetheart. We had a really nice, long weekend.
We fit so much in! Sooo much in such a short amount of time.
We had a great time at the shore in Atlantic City. It was awesome! Such good bonding time. We needed to get away from it all. I am so glad we did.
We also had a nice, short, and sad good-bye visit with Lisa. The Harkins family has left the area. On to a new life in Kentucky. We'll see them again in December. I think this will be a strange adjustment. I know Brooke will miss Lindsey. I'll miss Lisa... I look forward to seeing them again.
The kids were in Ocean City. They had a nice week with their cousins. They're home now, probably sleeping til 2 p.m. and making dirty dishes.... kids I tell ya.
Summer will be over before you know it. I'm a little sad about that. It sort of feels like it's just begun.
Yesterday was an "off" day. I think with everything going on, it was like crashing from a great "high". I wished it was a better day.... but it was really blah....
Today I had a meeting with the Asst V.P of Advancement. He suggested that I apply for a job that is way more than I think I could ever handle. I told him the thought of it scared me. He told me if I chose not to go for it, there would be other opportunities coming my way. I'm not sure I'm ready for something more right now. This job I'm in now was a huge step. That would be enormous..... and quite honestly, it scares me to pieces.... But, I'm thinking about it. Wow. And I thought I moved as far up as I could. I should never think that way. I guess I have potential I just don't see.... cool.
I'm almost ready to go home. I have a lot to do this week. I am only focusing on day to day stuff right now. It's too much to think about all that needs to be done.
Sad.. this is the last week of Flex time. This Friday is my last 1/2 day Friday until May. Ugh. I love summer hours. Where did they all go?
Thinking about planning another party. A smaller one.
Thinking about taking a weekend with hubby upstate Pa. We love it up there.....
Thinking about how much fun I had with hubby this weekend, swimming in our pool. I never thought I'd have an in ground pool. How much fun is that? I loved every minute of it. Sorry that my sweetie got a sunburn though. I love him so much.
Babbling. I needed to blog.. had to get some of this stuff on record. LOL
I admit, I was searching cruises today.
I'm a cruise addict. I need help.
:) Send me on a ship. Please.