Brandon went with me to give my friend some Hot Chocolate. He's such a good boy!
This woman is so sweet. I wish I understood.... She is so polite and so friendly to me. She knows me now, so when I knock on her window, she opens the door with a big smile. And when I give her something, she thanks me over and over again. I never stay. I don't want her to feel like I'm invading her privacy, or trying to be nosy. I wish I knew what the right thing was to do. But, I don't. So, I'll just keep an eye out for her and hope for the best. It makes me get choked up every time I walk away from her. I just feel like I'm about to burst into tears....
Okay, let me move away from that. I can't change things for her... I can, however, stop over every now and then and help her out. I hope she'll be okay.
I got 2 movies for tonight.
Movie night.... I'm looking forward to both. Funny, in the last 2 months I've watched more movies than I have in probably a whole year! Must be the cold weather.
Gonna go get my comfy's and slippers on, and grab my snuggie. :P