Now if the ugly snow would just go away it would be a perfect day out there!!!!!
Good afternoon, beautiful world.
Last night I had this restless night. I had so much in my head that I wanted to blog about, but I decided that since my thoughts were racing, and jumping from one thing to the next, I better just try to relax, and get some rest. That's the thing with writing. Sometimes things come to you, and you have to get in front of the computer and just go with it. But, other times, there's too much, and it takes time to sort everything out so that it makes sense when you sit and write.
One of the things going through my head last night was the the lady who lives in her car with her cat. I often find myself trying to figure her out. I even try to talk it out, so I better understand her. Last night I was laying in bed just thinking how she was out there in that parking lot in the cold. I wonder if she ever gets scared. And, I wonder if the Falls Township Police really look out for her. I know she's been there almost a year now, so I know she's noticed by the police. How did she get all battered and bruised that time? And, who was she trying to call on the pay phone next to Giant... Did the pizza people give her that food, and do they freely allow her to use their restroom? Where does she shower? What about her family? Aren't people worried about her.... or do they know she's mentally ill, and they set her free from their life... These are some of the things I was thinking about last night. No wonder I was so restless.... And, the poor cat. Should I feel sorry for the cat for being stuck in that crowded car, or should I be happy that he's loved, and has a warm lap to lay in at night when he goes to sleep. I wonder what they both think about. Do cats think? I know they must... Don't we all?
I'm scared in my own home when the wind blows to hard, or when it's raining really bad. I can't imagine how she must feel being in that car.
I think about how mean people are, and I worry that someone might try to hurt her. Can you imagine? I don't want to think these things, or even wonder all of this.. but I do. Today I should bring her some coffee. Or maybe food. And I should pack a bag of cat food for the cat. Yep, that's what I'm going to do.
So, I eventually fell asleep last night. When my head is so full, it's so hard. I usually have no trouble at all going to sleep... Heck, I have a hard time staying up most nights!
I think that movie bothered me a lot. I was watching it and thinking, this movie sucks... even Fred suggested that we turn it off. It wasn't very good. But, I had invested some time into it, and I wanted to see what happened. It was a poor choice on my part. A mistake. It was horrifying. It made me hate people. It made me sick. What the heck is wrong with people??? I know it was a movie, but I also know that there are people out there just like on that movie, and they should be shot. UGH!
Maybe I think to much. I should just relax a little.
On a lighter note. I worked in my closet a bit today. It was time (again) to unload some of the clothes I'm not getting use out of. I have some beautiful clothes. I will bring them with me to Monica this weekend. She loves when I clean my closet. I love to share with her.
I won't be sharing with Karen this time. I will admit, it's sweet how much Karen thinks of me. She says my clothes always smell like me, and she can't get enough of them. One time I gave her some clothes and she stuck her face in them and was all happy. LOL. I miss her. I really need to make a date with her soon. She's a good person... Oh, and I think she came "out". lol. I saw a post she left on facebook about not liking men. Good for her if that was her way of sharing herself. It's a shame when people can't be open about who they are, what they like, and so on. I'm all for being open about your sexuality. I enjoy both men and women. I'm not uncomfortable at all about sharing that.
I suppose it's time to get out in that sunshine. I have some things I'd like to do today. And, hubby is off too. He's not feeling well.... I hope he feels better soon.
And off I go!!!!!
I have a lot on my mind, so I'll be blogging more later!
Best wishes to you. xoxoxox