Cancun Mexican Restaurant is now open.....
We had lunch there and it was really good.
Brooke came home yesterday from what was supposed to be her weekend with her Dad. He is an asshole and has no clue what it's like to live with a 14 and 16 year old. He promised her that he'd take her to her Cheer party, and at the last minute he changed his mind and told her he was going to get his haircut instead. What a total and complete a-hole. So, of course she called me up and texted me telling me she does not want to go see him every other weekend anymore.... it's not easy.
Brandon is still there at his cousins, so I will grab him at 7 p.m. I know he spent no time with his Dad, which is fine with me but later in life, that dumb ass is going to regret it. No, not Brandon... (lol) his Dad.
I love Big Lots. I always enjoy going, and I always find something good when I'm there. Today we ran into Maryfaith and Frank. Adore them! It was nice to chat with them for a few minutes. Maryfaith and I don't see each other as often now that she's not working within my division. I really need to get together with her more often. We love spending time visiting and sharing fun stories....
I am trying to figure out when I can run to Long Island to see my Granny. I am trying to do a round trip in a day. I look forward to the ride. As long as I don't listen to my GPS, and I go the better way, it's a decent ride. I can still almost make the ride without the GPS.... I forget sometimes where to go, that sort of freaks me out. I hate losing my way to things that used to be so familiar to me. I used to be able to do that trip with my eye closed practically...... ***Sigh
I am taking a break from laundry. I always do laundry on Sunday..