A Sunday morning with lots of rain. I suppose I should be thankful. It's almost 60 degrees out and it's December 12th! It could be much worse. It could be snow. I hate snow. I don't even think it's pretty anymore. I hope and pray it doesn't snow this winter....
I don't need to visit Postsecret today.. I looked at it last night past midnight. I'm used to looking at it on Sunday morning. I feel like I should go re-read them this morning just because that's what I do.
My husband is making me breakfast. He's so good to me. He told me when we first met (a long long time ago) that he was for real because I questioned his sincerity. He would make me breakfast in bed, bring me coffee in bed....
I told him I knew that soon all of that would stop. People just don't behave that way long term. He assured me I was mistaken... and, I was. 12 years later and he still brings me coffee in bed, makes me beautiful breakfasts, and so on.....
I'm so grateful. I was one messed up cookie when he and I met. It's a miracle he hung in there and stuck with me through the first couple of years....
I just ran off track on my thoughts.. but hey, isn't this what journaling is about? Random splats of what's inside my head, my heart.. spilling out in text.
Ups and downs.... I wants to scrape the rust off, and get back to the me I adore.
Where do I start?