What a weekend!!!! First of all, I want to say this... I have NEVER, in my 42 years experienced SO much wind!!!! WOW! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO scared driving in that. We were going over a bridge headed to Atlantic City and I was sure my little black car was going to do a big fat flip into the Bay. I held on tight and drove over that skinny tall bridge like an old lady. I couldn't believe how bad the car was pulling against me. Super scary. But, once we got to the Casino's, we were safe and sound. The drive back wasn't so bad. It was less scary then the drive there.
Okay, so the weekend. It was simply awesome. Really what I needed, especially after what I went through at work all week. I needed to get away from it all and really stop thinking about everything for a little bit. I did well not spending time complaining or going over everything that pissed me off...which was important for me to do to be able to have a nice time. It worked well. I brought things up only a time or two, but then I'd get right back to the moment of the weekend.
Friday night was a lot of fun. We went to Trump Marina. We learned about The Golden Nugget buying the Marina. I'll miss that place, but I'm excited to see what The Nugget will be like. The Marina is very old and a little basic and worn down, but the rooms are beautiful. I'm sure they'll make it really cool. I hope they keep that gorgeous clothing store downstairs so when I hit it big someday I can buy all my clothes there. :) It's okay to dream, right?????
Ilyn's condo is great. It's right on the main street in Wildwood. We love it there. In the winter there's not a lot happening there, but it's still nice to be so close to the ocean. There's something special to me about the ocean... maybe it goes back to my roots and growing up near the beach. It's comforting to me. I love it. I have never gone there and had a bad time. Just a good, clean crisp feeling in the air. I needed that so bad. Unfortunately, the weather was no good for walking on the boardwalk. No how, no way!
So, now back to Saturday. Woke up in the dark room. Love the dark room. This is the bedroom chosen when we stay there. It has no windows, so it's always nice and dark in there which is great for sleeping. We had big plans on sleeping in, but sleeping in for us is usually only until 7 something in the moring. :) lol In any event, it was nice to be in a dark room. Someday I'll go there and really sleep in. I guess it's hard especially on the weekend. I don't want to miss a moment... so I wake up all early and stuff, excited for the day ahead.
So, again, on Saturday we got up and had a couple of huge cups of coffee.. got ready and hit the windy roads back to Atlantic City. We went to Taj and Showboat. Wow, what a great time! And, we left with cash. That's always so much nicer than leaving with lint in our pockets! But, we spent HOURS there.. a long time! And, we played and played and played. It really was nice not thinking about the issues I'm facing on the job, and in life. NO worries... nice.
After the Casino's, we went to our most favorite Mexican restaurant. YUMMY! It's in Pleasantville. It was absolutely delicious as usual. If I lived close to that place I'm sure I would weigh about 300 pounds. So, it's better to have this place where it is... and I sure do appreciate it, and look forward to it as a treat when we're in the area. YUM!
After the restaurant we headed back to Wildwood. It wasn't too late, so when we got back we relaxed and settled in. What a great night :)
And, again..... Sunday morning we were going to sleep in......
So, this morning I was laying there wide awake when I hear, "Are you awake?" lol. It was 7:30. Coffee, relaxation, and Postsecret.... Then, time to hit the road! We left Wildwood around lunch time. The wind was gone, the sun was out, BUT... it was freezing out!!!!!
The ride was nice until the expressway was bumper to bumper for miles and miles. Fred and I decided we'd take the next exit. Where it took us, we didn't care. We just couldn't deal with the traffic. It ended up taking us one of the ways we were very familiar with, so it was no big deal. It was a nice, country like ride... until we finally ended up in Trenton. (lol) Not that there's anything wrong with Trenton. It's just a lot different to drive in than the rural roads of Jersey.
We went to some Chinese place for lunch/dinner. It was different. The food was okay, but I wasn't crazy about the place. It was sort of depressing to me. I don't think I ever want to go back there, but I'm glad I tried something new. :)
After we ate we went over to see Freddy, Mara and the kids. It was nice seeing the kids. I think they are so cute, but I also don't think that Mara should cut Freddy
5's hair. He looked exactly like Alfred E. Newman (spelling?) from the cover of Mad Magazine. I think one day Fred and I will go pick those little one's up and take them out for a nice haircut and maybe an hour or so at McDonald's playland. I think it would be good for them and good for us. It felt a little depressing seeing them today. I especially felt bad when Freddy 5 came in with his shoes and wanted help putting them on... He thought he was going somewhere with us. Then, when we left, he stood there looking all confused. It was sad...... BUT, on the bright side, maybe we'll pick them up next Saturday or Sunday morning and take them out for a bit. I'd bet Freddy and Mara could use a couple hours of kid free time.
After all of that, we finally got home with just enough time to unload our stuff from the car and head back out the door to get Brandon and Brooke. They wanted us to get them a little early, but the best we could do was get there about 30 minutes early. We picked them up and took them straight to friends houses. LOL. Since they have no school they had made plans, and of course they needed us to take them where they were going. My night isn't over yet... I have to pick Brandon and Mike up at 10:15 from Chris's house. It's a busy life being a parent. :)
I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow. I sort of stormed out of there on Friday in a mad silence. I never even said good-bye to anyone. I was way to mad and resentful to even crack a smile. I know that Ed's going to want to talk to me, and I'll be prepared for it. I am glad I sent him that email expressing my true feelings about things, and I hope he's put a lot of thought into what I've said. Either way, no matter how things play out now, it's going to suck. I hate that they put me in a spot like that. I was fine and dandy. Ed knows this whole thing sucks for me, and he knows that my points are valid and make sense. We'll just have to see what happens. Most people there are used to me just sitting there with a happy face, smiling, being nice, etc... it was hard for me to let it out, but it had to happen. I always encourage people I care about to stand up for themselves and speak their mind.. but often times I find that I am lacking in that department. Not this time. I let it out... like it or not.
I enjoyed this weekend very much. It was fun, happy, loving, passionate, sweet, silly, yummy, relaxing and sexy. I would give it 2 thumbs WAY up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow.... I just made up a little for my major lack of blogging. :)