I've been thinking.
I sometimes think that I should make this blog private. If I did, I could write ANYTHING... I can pour my heart out if I want. I can write without being cautious. Sexy stuff..... my deepest thoughts and feelings...anything....HOWEVER, by keeping this open to "anyone", I think about how I might bring a smile to someones face. Maybe others can relate to me. Maybe, I am a soft place to land.... for a moment or two. I wonder....
So, I am keeping this Blog public, for now. I'll keep posting. Maybe I've inspired someone. Who knows I can wish I have, or will. Maybe people end up here, and think I'm some sort of a fruitcake. lol..... maybe they think I'm OK, and they enjoy my blog.... maybe I can bring cheer... or hope..... *shrugs.
Just a thought. I do struggle with it sometimes.....:)
But when I laugh, and I might make someone else laugh... I'm happy... after all.......Laughter, it's the best medicine. In most cases in life.