I think communication is HUGE. It's everything. It's the key that will open ALL the doors.
Hubby and I. We've been seeing a Counselor. I dread it. Why? Well, it's brought so much "crap" to the surface. It's been rather painful at times. It's not fun, it's not easy. It's even caused some major blowout fights. It's draining, and it's a lot of work, and a lot of being honest. HOWEVER.... IT'S WORKING!!!!!!!!!! :)
A note about relationships... Take the time to make it right. If you love someone... really love them, do what it takes. We are. And we both feel and see the difference.
I made an observation over the weekend. My sweetness and I were CLOSE. More than just on a physical level. We laughed. We played. We enjoyed each other so much. It was so awesome. It was precious. We had a nice weekend. WE LAUGHED...... I honestly believe that all the work we've been putting in, is paying off. It's great. My husband "gets me". I "get him". It's so refreshing. It's so awesome. And now, I feel the results of change. I know he does too.
So... there's my ramble for today. For now. And I feel good. I feel loved. And, my heart sings a happy tune. Life is good. And I will try to live... ONE DAY AT A TIME.