OK. Anyone who truly knows me, knows this about me......
When I hear or see someone sneeze, I walk in the other direction, hold my breath, or.... if I can't get away.... (lol), I just discretely protect my face (while holding my breath). Well.... here's the thing. This behavior stemmed from when I was a little girl, and I saw this exact photo in the Encyclopedia.....
Here's a real fact about a sneeze: A Sneeze travels out of your mouth at over 100 miles (161 km) an hour.
Why am I bringing this up now? lol!!!!!
Well, of all people - I was sneezed upon at the Phila Horse Track on Saturday. There was a gentleman standing behind me while we were admiring the horses. Well, he had to sneeze right after taking a huge gulp from his bottle of beer (ewww). Suddenly, I hear the sneeze. THEN, I feel it. YUCK! I look at the back of my legs, and the back of my skirt... and I was soaked with an icky beer sneeze. I look to my left, and there's my son, wiping sneeze from his hair. LMAO! It was just plain awful.
The man apologized. And, I moved on. But, it was just so gross......