I'm at work. It's November... and I can hardly imagine where the time has gone.
I feel like I just stared this job.
I feel like I'm still the "New" girl in this office suite..
Yet, I'm not.
Since I arrived in May, we've welcomed 2 new people to our department. I'm not the new girl at all...
I've been here for almost 6 months. Why does it seem like time passes so much faster as we grow older? It's scary if you think about it.
And so much is happening in my life right now.
I used to have little to nothing to report...
Now I find that there's so much going on, it would be way to time consuming for me to even imagine taking the time out of my busy schedule to document it all.
But, I want to. I don't want to lose track of what I'm doing. And where my life is heading... and how I got where I am..and how I'm feeling. Isn't that why I created this whole blog site to begin with? Of course it is.
So, I can share the story about the kittens. It's 2 weeks old now, but it's still something to share. It's part of my life.....
2 weeks ago yesterday I was going out to my car with Fred. It was a Sunday night.
We just arrived home from a weekend on Long Island with family. It was a family reunion. My brother was here visiting....
Anyway. There we were, heading to the car when all of the sudden I heard some screaming animal. I was so worried about it. Anyone who knows me knows that I worry to much. I worry about things all the time! Anyway.. I went towards the screaming. I was a little scared. I will admit, I was worried as to what I would find. Really I should have been more worried about what was about to find me. 2 tiny little kittens. Sitting on the curb, about to go into the street. They were precious. The absloute smallest kittens I have ever scooped up into my hands, ever.... So, what am I supposed to do? I took them inside. Of course.
Fred and I went to the store, bought baby bottles (special one's for kittens) and formula for kittens... and we bottle fed them for the next week and a half...until we weened them from the bottle. Yep. Dr and Mrs Doolitte to the rescue. Now, 2 weeks later and we're proud parents of 2 more animals. I am not kidding. What are we supposed to do? We can't seperate them. We can't give them up. They honestly think we're their parents. They adore us. It's sweet. It's actually pretty special.
Names? Who knows. I named one Tootsie. lol. It just came out one morning. Tootsie is a sweetie. Very loving, quiet, and so affectionate. It's nice. The other one. I have no idea. I'm hoping a name comes to mind for this one. She is a fluff ball. She's going to have very long hair. lol. Just what we needed..... lol
Okay... there's an "Erin Story"
I'm such a sap. I know it. I'm beginning to feel that it's "okay" to be exactly who I am. I'm getting more and more comfortable in my own skin as the days, months, years pass... :)
It's all good.
More tomorrow. :) I'm getting back on track.