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Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Mary and Paul Workman. <3

I love these two! They just got married last Saturday, and they were so sweet and precious at their wedding! I wish them the very best! Today, tomorrow and always....
Mary is one of my very best friends. She and I have such a good time together both in and out of the office!!!!
A couple of days before she was married, I took her into NYC. It was so much fun! The highlight of the day was being treated as VIP's at the Martha Stewart Show. What an incredible time we had, thanks to a childhood friend of our family who is Martha's Assistant. It was a very good, fun, and cool experience!!!!!
These posts are not long, but I'm doing it to get moving again on my blogging!~
Me and my Girl!

My girlfriend Ilyn has handed over her Condo keys to me for the weekend! So, Fred and I are off to the beach for a weekend of fun and sexy times together! We're so excited to get away to somewhere we love... the beach! We'll be walking on the boardwalk, going to a nice dinner at a great Italian Restaurant around the corner, and maybe hitting a cute bar called "Dog Tooth". And, of course we'll do a quick and fun trip down the shoreline to Atlantic City! We can't forget about that!!!
Thanks to my girlfriend for being so sweet to me. I love having such great friends.... It's all about give and take. :) It's all good. No more one way, one sided friendships for me! :)
Anyway, last day of the week! Boy do I love Fridays!
And, we're about 1/2 way through the work day! YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009

I am counting the minutes until I walk out this door and begin my weekend.
I can't wait to ride up the Turnpike with my sweetface and have an incredible, easy, fun, sweet & sexy weekend.
Please let this be a fabulous weekend :)
Going home to pack, do a quick load of laundry, and get my weekend face on!
Can't wait!
I'll share with blogging when I return!
Happy Friday!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
This is gonna be fun!

We used to go all the time!!!! Seriously. It was such an incredible "getaway" for us. The Susquehanna River is beautiful. We stay in a tiny little town along the river. The Motel is mostly frequented by fishermen. It's no 4 star hotel....
BUT, this place holds a special place in our hearts. Room 29. :) And I just booked it for tomorrow and Saturday night!
We need to go. We love the ride. We love the old Antique shops. We love the River, the town, the feeling of being a million miles away, even if we're not. The old Diners with the old stuff.... and the fresh air. :) And, we love room 29. Can't wait!
Today is rainy. It's weird at work too... The crazy bitch that works close by has brought her teenager to work with her today. I'm all for family, and I'm all about loving your kids... BUT, this is a professional office. You can't just bring your teenager in to work so she can "Hang out" and listen to her ipod and stuff while other people are working... I know. I'm sitting here blogging. BUT, I am taking a moment to sit and express myself during my busy, hard at work day. This nutjob is so far out in left field that I am floored every time she pushes the envelope one inch further. It's crazy I tell ya. I can't post details, because I never know who may stumble across my blog.. but I can say.... NUTJOB!
lol @ Self.
I have a lot to do before we hit the road tomorrow. I just can't stop thinking about bonding more with my sweetie pie. 10 1/2 years together. I love this man more now than ever. I am blessed.
Once he told me, "We have no memories together".. this was of course years ago. Now, we have so many that we forget some things. Strange how time works. Strange how fast it flies by.
I'm losing track of my thoughts. I better get back to work for now.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A visit back to the little days.

We are little... sweet, innocent, and pure. And then we grow up.
I get these pictures posted of me on facebook. I love it. But I always end up looking at them later on and I try to grasp the idea that they are really pictures of me. Sometimes they bring memories back to the surface for me. One's that I am sure I'd never have if the picture wasn't there. This one brought a flood of memories to mind. The one posted above. It's me and my brother. I remember Mom's curlers. I remember begging her to put them in my hair. When she did, I was nearly in tears because they were hot (very hot), heavy, and it hurt so bad when she would slide the clip in. Sometimes the clip would dig into my head. BUT, I was okay with that. Somehow I knew that the end result would be worth it (Was it?) But I don't remember that part. I only remember the pain of wearing the curlers. Isn't that funny? I remember Mom telling me that when the dot in the center of the curlers turned black I must not touch them or I would burn myself. Yet, it was just at that moment that she would put them in my hair. Sometimes it would instantly burn my scalp. Sometimes, since my hair was so fine (as it is today) my hair would get in a tangled mess before she was even able to finish wrapping my hair up. And yet, I loved it. I loved wearing those painful, hard things with the spikes in them. I felt like such a little lady. Such a girly girl.
I don't remember the outcome. After all the pain and agony.. lol... I have no idea what my hair ended up looking like. Did I care? I think maybe I didn't.
Was this some sort of prep course for me? Who knew that I would grow up to be just the same.. loving my hair being done, getting girly, pampering myself with pretty stuff....
I like that picture.
I even like my dirty little feet. My little Fred Flinstones.
And, I miss my brother.
The couch? I don't remember that couch at all. It was ugly. But, I'm guessing it was all my parents could afford. And, I bet it was comfortable. I look happy in that picture.
Pure, and innocent.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Monday. Back to work after a long weekend of fun!

I do enjoy fun and partying. I really do.... but what I enjoy the most, is spending the time with my sweetheart. We had a really nice, long weekend.
We fit so much in! Sooo much in such a short amount of time.
We had a great time at the shore in Atlantic City. It was awesome! Such good bonding time. We needed to get away from it all. I am so glad we did.
We also had a nice, short, and sad good-bye visit with Lisa. The Harkins family has left the area. On to a new life in Kentucky. We'll see them again in December. I think this will be a strange adjustment. I know Brooke will miss Lindsey. I'll miss Lisa... I look forward to seeing them again.
The kids were in Ocean City. They had a nice week with their cousins. They're home now, probably sleeping til 2 p.m. and making dirty dishes.... kids I tell ya.
Summer will be over before you know it. I'm a little sad about that. It sort of feels like it's just begun.
Yesterday was an "off" day. I think with everything going on, it was like crashing from a great "high". I wished it was a better day.... but it was really blah....
Today I had a meeting with the Asst V.P of Advancement. He suggested that I apply for a job that is way more than I think I could ever handle. I told him the thought of it scared me. He told me if I chose not to go for it, there would be other opportunities coming my way. I'm not sure I'm ready for something more right now. This job I'm in now was a huge step. That would be enormous..... and quite honestly, it scares me to pieces.... But, I'm thinking about it. Wow. And I thought I moved as far up as I could. I should never think that way. I guess I have potential I just don't see.... cool.
I'm almost ready to go home. I have a lot to do this week. I am only focusing on day to day stuff right now. It's too much to think about all that needs to be done.
Sad.. this is the last week of Flex time. This Friday is my last 1/2 day Friday until May. Ugh. I love summer hours. Where did they all go?
Thinking about planning another party. A smaller one.
Thinking about taking a weekend with hubby upstate Pa. We love it up there.....
Thinking about how much fun I had with hubby this weekend, swimming in our pool. I never thought I'd have an in ground pool. How much fun is that? I loved every minute of it. Sorry that my sweetie got a sunburn though. I love him so much.
Babbling. I needed to blog.. had to get some of this stuff on record. LOL
I admit, I was searching cruises today.
I'm a cruise addict. I need help.
:) Send me on a ship. Please.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Today is my Thursday, even though it's Tuesday.

So, tomorrow will be a very fun day. I don't have to come into the office, and I get to leave to go to the beach after I leave my bosses house.
So, it's hot and humid outside. However, I am sitting at my desk with my heater on my feet. It's so difficult to predict the weather inside .... We watch the news to determine how we need to dress for the outside, but who do we turn to when we need to know what to wear to work? All I can say about that is, dress in layers. And so, I do. I wear light weight clothing and I always try to be sure I have a matching sweater with me. BUT, it never solves the issue of my feet. :)In the office, my feet are almost always cold. I can't help it. I wear sandals. I do not wear closed shoes in the summer. Never. I can't warm them up with socks. I'd look pretty silly with socks on and sandals. I can't even do like some tacky people do by slipping on a pair of slippers. (lol) I never ever know when one of the big bosses might need me right that second... and I can't be messing with my feet and changing my slippers... LOL.. so, I put the heater on and am in business. :) Well, until I step away from my heater... and then that's a whole new story. :) :) :)
Friends. Last night I was visiting with my hubby and his friend Bob. We were discussing friends. Good ones, bad ones, happy ones, sad ones. Most of all... how they can and will impact our lives. I enjoyed the conversation. I have some really amazing friends that have made such a positive impact on my life, my day to day happiness, and so forth. I am blessed to work with a few of them. It's great, I need a friend during the day, one is right there, around the corner. I love it. I am there for them too.
And then there are those who we call friends, yet often they leave us feeling conflicted, or we feel like they just might not have our best interest at heart. Seems we all have them in our lives. Why do we tolerate it? What makes them special enough to want to keep them around as a "friend". That was what we were talking about... is it really worth it? Sometimes the answer is yes, but usually the true answer is no. Something to think about. And I have been. But, I have also made a promise to myself to NOT invest a lot of time trying to figure out "why", because in the end, there's usually not an answer...
Speaking of friends... Lisa.. I have to call her. She is moving to Kentucky on Saturday. I have been in total denial. I am really going to miss her. I am going to miss the entire family. I will see her this Friday at her shore house.. but then that will be it until Christmas. How sad. Another change, another chapter turning.... And what a good hearted, true friend she is. She will be missed...
Now I better get back to work. I have a lot to accomplish before the end of the day. I won't be back in the office until next Monday, so I better quit "blogging" and get working. Well, in all fairness, I have to say. I did sit here and eat my lunch at my desk so I could take a break and blog. This is my lunch break today.
Time to go.
Being back on the blogging track feels so good. I am happy to be here...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday Monday.... so good to me :)

I am having a productive and busy Monday! I am happy to be at work, but sad that my wonderful weekend had to come to an end!
Fred and I had a great weekend together. We did A LOT of bonding (no not bondage) ... although the thought did cross my mind :)
We had so much fun! We played Wii together, went to a few good places to eat, Met some friends on Saturday morning at a community yard sale.. went to the Flea Market.. to a party Saturday night. And then yesterday we went to the movies, out to eat, did some shopping at the Mall... etc
Moving has been the best thing in the world for us. I mean that with all my heart. I feel closer to my husband now than I have for a long time. That's not to say that I haven't felt close to him. BUT, when we lived on the property that he worked, the stress level was so much higher, we had less space in our home, there was tension.. it was all added to our regular, everyday life. Now, we seem to be much more in tune with one another. It's so beautiful to me. I am sooo loving it. I know he is too!
Ok, now that I got that off my chest :)
Enjoying our kid free time this week. It's nice to miss the kids and be just hanging out as grown ups. It's natural to crave that sometimes. When I begin to feel guilty, like I'm a bad mom for wanting some grown up alone time, I remind myself that it's a very healthy way to live. So, that being said, I am going to enjoy every bit of this week!!!!! :) :) :) Guilt free!
So I have to work today and tomorrow. And then on Wednesday, we have a staff retreat at my bosses house. He has this incredible barn in his back yard that we're all going to meet in. It's not your typical barn. It's gorgeous! I really look forward to Wednesday. He is one of the best bosses I have ever known. And he looks out for me. I appreciate that. It should be nice.
THEN..... after we have the retreat, I am off to swipe my overnight bag off the table, and hit the road to go to the beach. I am so much looking forward to that. I am hoping that Thursday we have NO RAIN! I want to go lay out on the beach for a few hours. I want to close my eyes, listen to the waves crash onto the sand, and feel the mist of the salt water across my face. I want to get right there on the edge of the water and feel the waves crash down on me, burying my feet deeper and deeper in the sand. I want that. I miss that. I used to spend almost every day at the beach as a kid. It was normal to me. I walked to the beach every morning, and I stayed there until it was time to go home for dinner. Sometimes I would even forget that I needed to go home, and my brother would have to come get me. :) I loved the beach. I want to retire near the water. I mean that.
Speaking of the water.... my kids are at Ocean City, NJ this week with their cousins. I hope they are having a nice time. :) I'm sure I'll hear all their stories when they come home over the weekend. I look forward to it.
I am leaving this post today with a few pictures. I have been so bad about taking them, saving them, posting them. I am going to try to catch up. It's been so crazy.....
Nice to be blogging again.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I don't even know how long it's been.....

I'm here. I'm dusting off the keyboard and getting back to work here on my blog.
What a year it has been so far. I would say that I haven't been blogging because I have been on all sorts of tropical vacations, visiting interesting foreign countries, etc..etc.. but that would be a lie. I have basically been up to my eyeballs in "change", and it's been a lot to carry... mentally, physically... emotionally. A lot has happened in 2009.
Let me see if I can sum it all up in less than a BOOK.
Fred and I decided to buy a house. We began our search in late February, early March. By April 29th, 2009 - we were at the settlement table. Seriously. During that time, we got word that Fred's Dad had gone from bad to worse (his health). The evening after we settled on the house, we got a phone call from his family letting us know we should get down there ( to Georgia ). The next morning, we hit the road, leaving our "fixer upper" in shambles, the kids with family until we returned, a mess of a place we were about to move out of.... and completely exhausted.
I drove 2 long days to get Fred there. It was about a 16-18 hour drive. We made it though....
Stayed for about a week. We left on the day of his Father's passing. The whole experience was something I will never forget.
Have you ever sat beside a dying man or woman? I can't even describe the feeling.... Honestly. It is so sad.. so deeply sad.
On the road... back to our home, and back to trying to pull it all together so we can move from one place to another. But, before that happens, we have to do a TON of work to our new house...
Long ride home. Sad, quiet.. and a lot of time to think about life in general. Time to count our blessings, talk about making changes, think about just how short life really is.
Now we're into the month of May. Where has the time gone? Fred turned 47 the day his Father was buried. There was no celebration for him that day. We have to really make it count next Birthday. Lord willing...
And so we move along to the working on the house. I have some amazing before and after photo's that I will post. I have to dig them up from the bottom of my computer :) BUT, I did take photos!
Moving day happened right before the 1st of June. I can hardly believe we did it. The expense of buying the house, the hard core labor put into... with Fred doing the bulk of it, and me doing the what he assigned me to do... I lost 12 pounds. LOL! It was like boot camp for me. I was NOT used to that type of work. I sit pretty at a desk most days. Not during this 3 week period. I worked like an animal. Every night I was discovering a different body part that ached, or pained... and it's unreal how much I learned. AND, how much I learned about what Fred does on a daily basis. I still can't get over it thinking about it right now. He's amazing. Honestly amazing...
So, all moved in... feeling the financial pinch. No cruise this year. Had to cancel. No planned vacation... couldn't afford one..
BUT, we have a pool, and a lovely new home. It's all worth it. It really is.
I had so many people telling me that. "Oh Erin, it's so worth it". I was thinking (in the working process) "It better be" LOL! I was battered and bruised.. and couldn't imagine it really would be worth it. IT IS. I love love love my new home!!!!!!!!
And so here I am. Past mid July. We've been living in the house for about a month and a half.
My children are changing. It isn't easy to take. They are both teenagers. One is way more hard to handle than the other. I guess I should feel blessed. They could both be equally difficult to handle. I'm scared sometimes that I'm losing the little lovie sweet faced children. I am. It's a hard pill to swallow.... very hard.
Bouncing around a bit.
Molly died last month. Molly is Mom and Dad's golden. We miss her. She was very sick....
Lindsey is moving to Kentucky next week. That's difficult. She and her family have been a huge part of our life for over 6 consistent years. We're going to miss them a lot. It's difficult watching Brooke grow apart from Lindsey. There's 2 year age gap. It's really a huge gap lately... Lindsey is still a happy faced, easy going kid.. Brooke is much more grown up lately. I'm feeling badly about that. I want her to grow, but I want her to love and respect the way she always has. Lately, I'm not feeling that.
Our "Junk" store closed down. Donna has moved on to a new one. A big, new, pretty one. I am missing our old routine. So many changes this year. The new one isn't the same. I wonder if we'll ever really get used to it.
Stores are all becoming "mega" stores. We FINALLY moved close to a WalMart. It closed down last week. They opened a SUPER Walmart a few miles down the road. It consumes you when you walk inside. Talk about feeling lost. Now I know what it's like to be a flea. In a store that big.... I feel like a little flea. :)
And what's up with CVS? I went into a "Mega" CVS yesterday. Why do they need to supersize all these stores? It had aisles upon aisles of "stuff" I didn't see a 1/4 of the store.... it was way to confusing.
Changes happening this year. A lot of them.
Trying to focus on the things that remain the same. Like the love I have for my family. The job that I simply adore. I have learned SO much in my new position at Rider. I am blessed to have this job. I can't even explain how lucky I feel.
Hubby. He's my rock. He's had it really tough this year. He needs a break.
We're going to the beach next week. It should be relaxing, fun, and a well needed and deserved break.
We've had one party at our house since we moved in. It was quite a success. A lot of fun.
I'm blogging again. I might not do it each and every day.. but I'm going to put forth the effort.
Oh, my 2008 Mazda CX-7 is broken down. It's been sitting collecting dust since early June. Can you imagine? We already had to replace the turbo... and now it's dead. When it rains, it pours!
Talking about rain...
Did I mention that it rained the ENTIRE month of June? No use of the pool. None....
There's always tomorrow...
Nice to be back.. even if for only a moment.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Februaury 17th

I am so tired.
And I am guilty once again for not keeping up with blogging!
I'm seriously going to try to get back on it, for me.
Last night was tough.
We got some really sad news. Our family is pretty tight, and when one suffers, we all suffer.
My Dad lives for his dog. Seriously. This dog is so special and important to him.
He has always had a difficult time expressing his feelings, and he's never been the most affectionate man I've known.... until "Molly".
She's a golden, about to be 6 years old.
Yesterday, while I was working, and dealing with some other stuff, Mom called me from her office crying...
Molly has bone cancer. Damn. SHIT! All I could think about was how heartbroken my Dad is. She told me he had called her while bringing her home from the Vet. He was crying... Then, she began to cry. I got up from my desk and went to see her in her office. I was crying. What a mess. At this point, we know that she will lose her leg... UNLESS it has spread. If it has, we're not sure what will happen :(. Dad will be taking her to the vet today. So, I will learn more about things later....
I so love my family. I have my hubby who is struggling with the thought of losing his father to cancer. And, not having had the best relationship all these years with him...and the thoughts and regrets of what could have been, should have been...etc..
My parent's, and this whole cancer thing with Molly..
And then there's new friendships blossoming, and fairly new friendships that feel like they are crumbling... Things can be so frustrating and confusing. I wish I understood better.. I really do.
I am very excited about my new adventures. I have so many doors opening up with such positive feelings shining through.. I have these amazing friends that I am bonding with really well... so considerate and loving. I adore them. You know, it was so sweet and special.. my girlfriend wrote my husband a letter yesterday. It was the sweetest gesture I have seen coming from a friend in such a long time.
My husband made lunch for me and a couple of my girlfriends. They appreciated it so much that one of them wrote him the nicest thank you letter. It was awesome. I know he felt good receiving it. My other girlfriend tells him all the time how awesome he is. I love that. Good people. I am so blessed.
Now, I know this for sure, and I can't be more thrilled. Fred and I have felt so close, so strong. We recently celebrated our 10 years together. What amazing bonding time we've shared. I can't imagine my life without him. We have been having these moments lately that I wouldn't miss for anything. So connected... on so many levels. It's been absolutely amazing...
It doesn't end there..
We are heading out of town this Friday to see some really special friends that we haven't seen since last September. There are 3 other couples that we'll be meeting. We're all so excited! We'll spend the night visiting, and the next morning we'll go our for Breakfast... I hope. That's what we usually do when we all meet up. :) I am looking forward to it. As is Fred. :)
The following week we're heading to Binghamton NY just for an overnight stay on Saturday. My girlfriend Darci is having a huge 40th Birthday celebration at a gorgeous resort in Binghampton. I haven't seen her in 20 years. I am so anxious to see her again. It should be so nice. I can't wait....
I am also getting ready to celebrate my Birhtday soon. I'm sad though... I am not sure where things stand with a couple of our friends that we have been really close with... and we're supposed to be getting together, and going to a concert together. I have no idea what's happening... and it makes me feel really sad. I wish I didn't care so much about everything... I am way to emotional. I just don't get it... and I have no clue where we stand anymore :( Fred tells me to quit worrying. He doesn't like that I get so involved... because in the end, it seems feelings are always hurt... and I am way too worried all the time about people.. ugh.
It's a beautiful day today. I am happy to be sitting here writing, and breathing, and living.
I'm in Princeton. I am beginning to enjoy working in Princeton on Tuesdays... I think I like the break from the big office.
Wow..I got a lot out there, and off my chest.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Me and my sweetheart

Hubby and I have just made it through 3 consecutive weekends of him being on call, and pretty much being "grounded" in a sense. It's been a little crazy! We're not used to being tied down for that amount of time....
We've done some fun things together, and have enjoyed each other's company soooooo much. :) But, we're happy to be able to hit the road next weekend!!
Work is going well.
Life is good.
Fred and I are approaching our 10 year anniversary. :) We're leaving town on Friday and beginning our celebration. It's a little early (it's on the 12th) but we're taking full advantage of the weekend since he won't be on call! :)
Looking forward to Spring. This winter feels especially long. I'm ready to get on with warmer, longer, sunnier days. I've had enough of the bitter cold. :P
We're watching the Superbowl. It's half time. Springsteen is performing. He's doing great. He promised to fit in as much as possible in 12 minutes. He's doing well. ;) I never much cared for his music. It just wasn't my thing. Now I think it's ok. I like the guy, I think he's a decent person.
We watched a movie this weekend. "Burn After Reading". I didn't like it. As a matter a fact, it was over and I had no idea it was ending. It was supposed to be a funny movie but people were getting shot in the head and stuff. I thought it was a joke, and the people really weren't getting killed....but then I soon realized that they were.. and it wasn't funny, it was gory and creepy. The best part of the whole movie was the company I was keeping. :)
I have reconnected with a bunch of people on facebook. It's been a lot of fun getting to know some old friends lately. I am even taking a trip soon to see one of them. I am so excited! I can't wait.
Speaking of old friends... Fred and I are going to see some of our old friends in a couple of weeks. We haven't seen them in months. Some of the best people we have ever met. They're like the type of people that we lose touch with for a little while but when we get back in touch, it's like we never missed that time together. We are looking forward to good laughs with them, and a nice breakfast out. We always have breakfast with them when we get together. :) It should be nice.
I'm rambling... but it's okay. I'm just trying to play a little catch up!
I am a slave to my Wii Fit. I LOVE it. I am going to try my very best to get on it every single day. It's addicting once you start using it. :) My little "Mii" is so cute. She's a little outta shape. LOL. I guess I better get on the ball!
Tonight I played with Fred and Brandon. It was so fun and funny. I love the Ski Jump. We laugh and laugh. And we're competitive. THAT makes it even better. We each try to get 1st place in all of the games... it's awesome. Brooke missed playing with us because she was at a Cheerleading competition. Next time she can play with us!
So much going on at work. I so love my job. Anyone who knows me knows how I felt in my previous department. Now, I'm happy with the people I work with, and I make more money! Not bad. :) I do love my job.
The picture above is from the weekend. It's me and my best friend. The love of my life. :)
Well, I won't blog any more tonight... I am not much in the mood to do so, and I'd bet you can feel it in my writing.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
FUN FUN FUN (For Facebook users)
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I grew up on Long Island, but after I graduated High School in 1986, I moved away and never went back.
2. I once lived in a town called "Knob Noster" (seriously). My daughter was actually born there in 1996.
3. I have lived in 6 different States: New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, Missouri, South Carolina & Georgia. I currenly live back in Pennsylvania, where I have lived for the longest period of time.
4. In my "Next Life" I will be a Professional Photographer. For now, I just keep a camera with me at all times and snap pictures like crazy.
5. I am married for the second time. My first time was a disaster, and my second is a dream come true. I have 2 beautiful kids from my 1st marriage, but my second husband has been with them since they were 2 and 3. They are now 12 and 14 and have 2 Dads that they love to pieces. We all get along, and everyone is happy as can be.
6. I love to Cruise (on a ship). I will go on my 5th Cruise in less than 4 years, this August. I never want to stop cruising... not ever.
7. I work in Higher Education. Instead of becoming an F.B.I agent (which my father encouraged me to do) I work in Research and Development in the office of Advancement. I spend much of my work day investigating what Alum's are up to these days by using research tools and programs on the net. I love my job.
8. I have 4 cats and If I lived on a big farm (which I do not) lol... I'd be the crazy cat lady that people make fun of.
9. It's important to feel sexy. Most of the time.. I feel sexy. I wouldn't have it any other way.
10. I wish my only sibling didn't live in Switzerland. Sometimes I miss him, and I hate that my nieces and nephew are so far away from me.
11. When I was in 5th and 6th grade, there were only 2 girls in my school that were taller than me. I have never gotten any taller, and now I'm considered "short" at 5' 3".
12. I hated High School. I felt like I could never find my place.. and now looking back, especially here on facebook - I see that there was a lot I missed. I never attended trips or became part of a club or organization. I wish I had. You all look like you had a lot of fun.
13. At 40 years old I went Pool hopping in the middle of the night with some great friends. It felt so invigorating to be so carefree and "silly". I will never forget that night, and how hard we all laughed.
14. Speaking of laughing. I love to laugh. I am told that I'm pretty funny, too.
15. I see myself in my children, and I love how it makes me feel.
16. I fell in love online. Sight unseen... That was 12 years ago. I've been with him for 10 years, and they have been the best years of my life. (and when I say online.. I mean before the dating services) Plain ole chat room...
17. I have learned in life that the most valuable things I have learned were not taught to me in school.
18. I am scared to death of growing old and dying... I lose sleep over it a lot.
19. I no longer sport a New York accent. I lost it in one of the moves over the years... and, sometimes I miss it.
20. I'm not star struck... but something fun: I used to babysit for Hulk Hogan's son Nick when he was just 2 years old.
21. I love to talk so much. I could talk to you for hours. I listen equally as well.
22. I find women equally (or sometimes more) attractive than men On a physical level. Emotional is a whole different ball game!
23. I love my bubble butt and my curves. I hated that I was never skinny......I always wished I was more thin, now I love my curvy self and my bubble butt. I appreciate me, and my body just the way it is.
24. I have a special place in my heart for the eldery, and mentally handicapped people... I really do.
25. I love to party and have fun.. and I love being social. BUT, the one place that makes me the happiest, is home with my hubby and kids. Laughing, playing, watching t.v or playing wii... checkers too... I just love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!
BONUS: I have an incredble foot fetish! I love pretty, polished, soft, sweet FEET!
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I grew up on Long Island, but after I graduated High School in 1986, I moved away and never went back.
2. I once lived in a town called "Knob Noster" (seriously). My daughter was actually born there in 1996.
3. I have lived in 6 different States: New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, Missouri, South Carolina & Georgia. I currenly live back in Pennsylvania, where I have lived for the longest period of time.
4. In my "Next Life" I will be a Professional Photographer. For now, I just keep a camera with me at all times and snap pictures like crazy.
5. I am married for the second time. My first time was a disaster, and my second is a dream come true. I have 2 beautiful kids from my 1st marriage, but my second husband has been with them since they were 2 and 3. They are now 12 and 14 and have 2 Dads that they love to pieces. We all get along, and everyone is happy as can be.
6. I love to Cruise (on a ship). I will go on my 5th Cruise in less than 4 years, this August. I never want to stop cruising... not ever.
7. I work in Higher Education. Instead of becoming an F.B.I agent (which my father encouraged me to do) I work in Research and Development in the office of Advancement. I spend much of my work day investigating what Alum's are up to these days by using research tools and programs on the net. I love my job.
8. I have 4 cats and If I lived on a big farm (which I do not) lol... I'd be the crazy cat lady that people make fun of.
9. It's important to feel sexy. Most of the time.. I feel sexy. I wouldn't have it any other way.
10. I wish my only sibling didn't live in Switzerland. Sometimes I miss him, and I hate that my nieces and nephew are so far away from me.
11. When I was in 5th and 6th grade, there were only 2 girls in my school that were taller than me. I have never gotten any taller, and now I'm considered "short" at 5' 3".
12. I hated High School. I felt like I could never find my place.. and now looking back, especially here on facebook - I see that there was a lot I missed. I never attended trips or became part of a club or organization. I wish I had. You all look like you had a lot of fun.
13. At 40 years old I went Pool hopping in the middle of the night with some great friends. It felt so invigorating to be so carefree and "silly". I will never forget that night, and how hard we all laughed.
14. Speaking of laughing. I love to laugh. I am told that I'm pretty funny, too.
15. I see myself in my children, and I love how it makes me feel.
16. I fell in love online. Sight unseen... That was 12 years ago. I've been with him for 10 years, and they have been the best years of my life. (and when I say online.. I mean before the dating services) Plain ole chat room...
17. I have learned in life that the most valuable things I have learned were not taught to me in school.
18. I am scared to death of growing old and dying... I lose sleep over it a lot.
19. I no longer sport a New York accent. I lost it in one of the moves over the years... and, sometimes I miss it.
20. I'm not star struck... but something fun: I used to babysit for Hulk Hogan's son Nick when he was just 2 years old.
21. I love to talk so much. I could talk to you for hours. I listen equally as well.
22. I find women equally (or sometimes more) attractive than men On a physical level. Emotional is a whole different ball game!
23. I love my bubble butt and my curves. I hated that I was never skinny......I always wished I was more thin, now I love my curvy self and my bubble butt. I appreciate me, and my body just the way it is.
24. I have a special place in my heart for the eldery, and mentally handicapped people... I really do.
25. I love to party and have fun.. and I love being social. BUT, the one place that makes me the happiest, is home with my hubby and kids. Laughing, playing, watching t.v or playing wii... checkers too... I just love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!
BONUS: I have an incredble foot fetish! I love pretty, polished, soft, sweet FEET!
Friday, January 16, 2009

This is a photo of Yardley Borough. Afton Lake...
I was driving past this beautiful place this morning on my way to work and I just had this feeling that today was going to be a good day.
Yeah, it's freezing cold out... and I know that the bitter cold is what my hubby hates more than anything about being up North..
But, I am grateful that he makes the sacrifice to be here, for me.
Every day that he wakes up in this cold winter weather, is a reminder of just how much he loves me. There is nothing and nobody else in this world that would keep him here otherwise... Thank you baby. I love you. I will make it up to you. I promise.
When the kids are a little older, and out of school.... we're heading South. Somewhere close to the beach I hope! :)
So, it's Friday! Happy Friday everyone!!!!!
We're having dinner and drinks and playing Wii with friends tonight. I look forward to that!
Brooke has her first competition tomorrow at Temple University. She's excited. She's been doing Cheerleading now for about 5 years! Way to go Brookie!
I'm having lunch with Mary and Mom. I think it's time...
I better run.
More to come.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thursday! Snow... cold.. but SUNSHINE!
(click image to enlarge if you want to read quote)

It's pretty darn cold out there. I mean, it's absolutely freezing!!!
I am fortunate to be working inside.
Not everybody has that luxury.
I know my hubby spends at least 80% of his time outside... :(
I will warm him up later. :)
So I had an EXCELLENT meeting yesterday with the Asst VP of Advancement.
He is one of my favorite bosses in the division. I think he's probably one of the best people I have met, here at Rider.
Anyway.. He's moving me. :) (woohooo)
He wants me to move closer to him, and the VP of Advancement.
He thinks that I have a lot of Potential. AND, he has plans for me to advance in the future. I am so proud, and so excited about this!
I am also going to go with him to a Luncheon that will be set up between he, "John C" and myself. Seems that my contribution over at the Princeton Campus is of value to the Division and to "John C". I look forward to the new adventures ahead!
my Ultimate goal is to become the Asst to the VP. I know that it won't happen anytime soon, but I am setting that as my goal for working in this Department. Heck, if I could eventually become the Asst to the Asst VP, I'd be equally grateful. At least I have goals :)
What else? Well, not a whole lot. I have a nice lunch date with my sweetie Mary today. We will probably leave the suite and go somewhere with our lunches. I'm thinking that there might be some pretty good sales over there at the Quaker Bridge Mall. I wonder if I can twist her arm.... and get her to go there :)
A lot going on. Quite honestly, there's always so much going on that I sometimes don't know what to blog about first!
Maybe more tonight when I'm all settled in.
I am happy to be blogging again! I love it.
Happy Thursday!
Back to work I go!

It's pretty darn cold out there. I mean, it's absolutely freezing!!!
I am fortunate to be working inside.
Not everybody has that luxury.
I know my hubby spends at least 80% of his time outside... :(
I will warm him up later. :)
So I had an EXCELLENT meeting yesterday with the Asst VP of Advancement.
He is one of my favorite bosses in the division. I think he's probably one of the best people I have met, here at Rider.
Anyway.. He's moving me. :) (woohooo)
He wants me to move closer to him, and the VP of Advancement.
He thinks that I have a lot of Potential. AND, he has plans for me to advance in the future. I am so proud, and so excited about this!
I am also going to go with him to a Luncheon that will be set up between he, "John C" and myself. Seems that my contribution over at the Princeton Campus is of value to the Division and to "John C". I look forward to the new adventures ahead!
my Ultimate goal is to become the Asst to the VP. I know that it won't happen anytime soon, but I am setting that as my goal for working in this Department. Heck, if I could eventually become the Asst to the Asst VP, I'd be equally grateful. At least I have goals :)
What else? Well, not a whole lot. I have a nice lunch date with my sweetie Mary today. We will probably leave the suite and go somewhere with our lunches. I'm thinking that there might be some pretty good sales over there at the Quaker Bridge Mall. I wonder if I can twist her arm.... and get her to go there :)
A lot going on. Quite honestly, there's always so much going on that I sometimes don't know what to blog about first!
Maybe more tonight when I'm all settled in.
I am happy to be blogging again! I love it.
Happy Thursday!
Back to work I go!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Little Moments..
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
In Princeton Today
Every Tuesday you will find me at the Princeton Campus.
I honestly think I'm in solitary confinement. I run this office suite with 4 offices. EMPTY offices! :) I am a one woman show here in Princeton.
Where is everyone?
One thing I can say for sure...
I get a lot accomplished.
I bring my big projects with me to this office.
Nobody distracts me here.
Well, nobody but John C (I will not reveal his name for his own protection).
He's this multi millionaire that calls me EVERY SINGLE TUESDAY.
He's somewhat mentally challenged.
Ok, He's really mentally challenged...
But he's loaded. SOOOO I have to entertain his phone calls.
Don't get me wrong. My heart goes out to him. He lost his parents, and was left with millions, and could care less... and so on.. but he talks in circles and makes very little to no sense at all. AND I have to listen to him go round and round. Average call time - 1 hour. Ouy Vey.
Other than that.. the phone here rarely rings. And I've managed to make the most of my time. I've finished a lot of my work, way ahead of schedule.
Something else I did today. I played a little catch up with an old friend of mine. Oh my, what a wild woman she is! I had a lot of fun chatting with her. She and I are getting together next month. I think it's been since I was 20 years old since I saw her last. She's having a huge 40th Birthday Bash and Fred and I are invited. It should be a lot of fun. It's been fun being back in touch. Seems like I've been getting back in touch with a lot of old friends lately. It's a lot of fun.
I have a story to write. I just haven't had the time to get it together lately. I have notes.. I just need to put them into my story. I had my 3rd annual trip to Alabama this past December. I took notes. We fit SO much into such a small amount of time that I had to take notes.... Keep an eye out for my 2008 Alabama trip story. Stay tuned!
It looks like snow out there. very grey. It feels like snow... I wanna be home in my comfys!
Tomorrow is Wednesday. I think I can handle that. :) Hump day always makes me smile.
Oh... today is Chris Redshaw's Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS! I LOVE YOU SWEETIE PIE! :) I hope she reads this. If not today...soon!
Things are good. Smooth and easy right now. Not much to report. No news is good news.
Every Tuesday you will find me at the Princeton Campus.
I honestly think I'm in solitary confinement. I run this office suite with 4 offices. EMPTY offices! :) I am a one woman show here in Princeton.
Where is everyone?
One thing I can say for sure...
I get a lot accomplished.
I bring my big projects with me to this office.
Nobody distracts me here.
Well, nobody but John C (I will not reveal his name for his own protection).
He's this multi millionaire that calls me EVERY SINGLE TUESDAY.
He's somewhat mentally challenged.
Ok, He's really mentally challenged...
But he's loaded. SOOOO I have to entertain his phone calls.
Don't get me wrong. My heart goes out to him. He lost his parents, and was left with millions, and could care less... and so on.. but he talks in circles and makes very little to no sense at all. AND I have to listen to him go round and round. Average call time - 1 hour. Ouy Vey.
Other than that.. the phone here rarely rings. And I've managed to make the most of my time. I've finished a lot of my work, way ahead of schedule.
Something else I did today. I played a little catch up with an old friend of mine. Oh my, what a wild woman she is! I had a lot of fun chatting with her. She and I are getting together next month. I think it's been since I was 20 years old since I saw her last. She's having a huge 40th Birthday Bash and Fred and I are invited. It should be a lot of fun. It's been fun being back in touch. Seems like I've been getting back in touch with a lot of old friends lately. It's a lot of fun.
I have a story to write. I just haven't had the time to get it together lately. I have notes.. I just need to put them into my story. I had my 3rd annual trip to Alabama this past December. I took notes. We fit SO much into such a small amount of time that I had to take notes.... Keep an eye out for my 2008 Alabama trip story. Stay tuned!
It looks like snow out there. very grey. It feels like snow... I wanna be home in my comfys!
Tomorrow is Wednesday. I think I can handle that. :) Hump day always makes me smile.
Oh... today is Chris Redshaw's Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS! I LOVE YOU SWEETIE PIE! :) I hope she reads this. If not today...soon!
Things are good. Smooth and easy right now. Not much to report. No news is good news.
Monday, January 12, 2009
(me, 1968)

And so here I am!
As promised to myself.....
Back to the Blog!
So, it's Monday.
And my day at work is almost over.
Thank goodness!!!!!! :)
I love my job, but I'm feeling slightly under the weather today. So, I've been dragging quiet a bit!
I did, however, manage to make it to the Mall to check out the Sale at Bath and Body Works. I am so excited about all the wonderful items on sale this time of year! I can't believe they are selling things for up to 90% off.... Seriously. I couldn't resist. I just couldn't.
Other than that...
The weekend was strange! I mean that. It felt really short, yet there was a lot fit it (as always).
Friday we met our friends in AC. It was fun. Hubby and I had this adorable room at Bally's. The more we looked at it, the more we loved it. We stayed up really late, but slept in pretty well. Saturday was a super nice day. hubby took me on a shopping spree at Victoria's Secret. It was a lot of fun. We also went to lunch at a great place that overlooked the water. It was over the water... on the Pier. Nice eye candy at the Restaurant, too.... The waitresses wore very very short booty shorts.... distracting, but nice to look at!!! :)
After shopping and eating and so on, we hit the road and headed for home. It was a very quiet and peaceful night at home on Saturday. We stopped at the Grocery store and bought a loaf of crusty french bread and some wings.... and went home and ate spinach dip, bread, and he had some wings. It was fun. I was itching to play some Wii.... but I was too tired to get something started.. lol. Instead, I saved what energy I had for a little sexy time in the bedroom! :)
Sunday was blah! I woke up feeling a little icky.... and the rest of the day I spent playing catch up on the house work. I did do my regular Postsecret Sunday morning routine... and the rest of the day was just work work work... lol. BUT, it had to get done!
And here I am now... posting on my blog again like I promised. My intention is to blog at least once a day again. I miss it!
Happy Monday.
Happy freezing cold Monday!

And so here I am!
As promised to myself.....
Back to the Blog!
So, it's Monday.
And my day at work is almost over.
Thank goodness!!!!!! :)
I love my job, but I'm feeling slightly under the weather today. So, I've been dragging quiet a bit!
I did, however, manage to make it to the Mall to check out the Sale at Bath and Body Works. I am so excited about all the wonderful items on sale this time of year! I can't believe they are selling things for up to 90% off.... Seriously. I couldn't resist. I just couldn't.
Other than that...
The weekend was strange! I mean that. It felt really short, yet there was a lot fit it (as always).
Friday we met our friends in AC. It was fun. Hubby and I had this adorable room at Bally's. The more we looked at it, the more we loved it. We stayed up really late, but slept in pretty well. Saturday was a super nice day. hubby took me on a shopping spree at Victoria's Secret. It was a lot of fun. We also went to lunch at a great place that overlooked the water. It was over the water... on the Pier. Nice eye candy at the Restaurant, too.... The waitresses wore very very short booty shorts.... distracting, but nice to look at!!! :)
After shopping and eating and so on, we hit the road and headed for home. It was a very quiet and peaceful night at home on Saturday. We stopped at the Grocery store and bought a loaf of crusty french bread and some wings.... and went home and ate spinach dip, bread, and he had some wings. It was fun. I was itching to play some Wii.... but I was too tired to get something started.. lol. Instead, I saved what energy I had for a little sexy time in the bedroom! :)
Sunday was blah! I woke up feeling a little icky.... and the rest of the day I spent playing catch up on the house work. I did do my regular Postsecret Sunday morning routine... and the rest of the day was just work work work... lol. BUT, it had to get done!
And here I am now... posting on my blog again like I promised. My intention is to blog at least once a day again. I miss it!
Happy Monday.
Happy freezing cold Monday!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday Morning..
Me and Chris (she's my friend who lives in Raleigh NC. Went to visit her on my trip back from Alabama)
So, it's Sunday morning. This is my very first posting of 2009. wow.
I will begin with this...
2008 was a hell of a year.
If you know me
truly know me
You will know why it was so hectic.
With the new job, etc... I was in a tailspin much of the year.
This explains my lack of blogging.
Now, I am completely ready to blog again.
I refuse to lose track of my life and myself...
I am not a prisoner of my professional life!
I am ready to start 2009 with both feet planted firmly on the ground.
well, the best I can!
I'm back on blogging, photo taking..
enjoying and savoring the moments and memories I am living.
Welcome to my world (lol)
It's a silly thing I say sometimes as a joke...
But here, this is my place... my world.
I'm ready.
And, I have LOTS to share!
Happy 2009.
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