OK..... Story time!!!!!
Last Friday. I mentioned that I got together with my girlfriend, Julie. Well....once we got settled, we got into talking about relationships, and men.
Julie met this guy online. She's been chatting with him for a few months. He's been asking her to go out, over and over again. She has declined, each time. I asked her why. She tells me that she doesn't think he's exactly her type. Well.... This woman (and I love her dearly) has no right telling me what her "type" is. She is famous for choosing not so great guys to get involved with. So.... maybe "her type" isn't working so well for her.
Anyway. I told her to go out with him. She refused. I told her it would be good for her. She told me she had no babysitter. So, I offered. Then, she didn't know what to say. :)
So, she returned his call later that night. She accepted a date with him. For Saturday (this past Saturday). She came over with her daughter, and a list of names, numbers, and so on.... just in case I needed to help her out of this "blind date" that she met online. I was both nervous and excited for her. She was too..... it was sweet.
So, off she went. And I was hoping it would be a nice night for her. She has very few. And, it's a shame. She is a great human being. And, I adore her.
Anyway, while she was gone, we took her little munchkin out on the town. We went to Chuck E Cheese. She had the time of her life. I just loved watching her enjoy herself. She doesn't have the opportunity to go many places like that. The things we take for granted.... we shouldn't. I was about to burst out in tears when Fred asked Jory if she wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese. Her response made me cry. She told us how her Mom was too poor to take her, and that she was saving lots of money in her crayon bank so they could be rich. Wow.... it was very emotional. And, it made me even more excited about taking her. :)
Anyway, all that was a lot of fun. I DID send Julie a text msg every now and then to check on her. After all, I honestly felt responsible for her going out with this guy. I guess, deep down inside, I knew she wanted to. She just needed a little push. And I'm not pushy.... but I did convince her to go. So, I was a little nervous.
She txt' me back. She was having a "wonderful" time. WooohooooO!!!!! Her online date - yippie!!!!!! And then, it was like 11:00 p.m. She sent me another message making sure we were okay with her daughter. :) We were fine. I was hanging out with the girls watching movies. It was lots of fun!
Anyway, she finally got to my place at almost 1:00 a.m. She was smiling ear to ear. I was too. I just hugged her tight, and told her I was glad she went. She said it was so awesome. So natural. Lot's of great conversation. They took a nice walk, had a great dinner. Went out for Ice Cream. I was so happy for her. :) And she thanked me. Over and over again. For talking her in to going. And for taking Jory out for fun stuff. It was all my pleasure. I loved every minute of it. :)
Julie sent me a msg this morning. Seems she's won the heart of this guy. He's crazy about her. How could he not be? She's a love.
So, tomorrow night we might go out - the 4 of us. I'd like to meet this guy. We'll see what happens. I have my fingers crossed for her. She is a very special person in my life.
Brief history.....
Julie and I met in 1986 when I first moved to PA.
She was my first, and only friend.
She was my best friend, ever.
I used to drag her back to Long Island with me, when I needed to "go home" - until one day I realized, PA was my "home" - and much of that, thanks to Julie.
I watched her suffer through the loss of her Mother.
She watched me suffer through the loss of one of my best friends in the whole world.
We were there for each other. And now, 21 years later, I think we're there for each other, again. It's nice.
We have memories, a few hundred miles long. Maybe one day - I'll share some of them.... Until then, We have today. And new memories.
That is my story - and I'm sticking to it. :)