Always put yourself in others' shoes.
If you feel that it hurts you,
it probably hurts the person too.
I love that quote :)
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Here we are, again!!! :) Good morning you sleepy heads! Time to wake up, smell the coffee & face the day!!!
Here in Pennsylvania, it is absolutely gorgeous! What a perfect day!
I'm at my desk, with a big ole smile on my face. I'm just thinking about things, and I feel good. And, refreshed.
Last night, hubby and I went out on a date. It was so sweet.. So nice.
And, when we got home, something weird happened. I was just sitting on the couch, and my heart was beating very fast. I couldn't have been more relaxed. I sat still, and took it easy, but it wasn't slowing down. I have never had blood pressure problems or anything... So, after a few minutes, I thought it might be a good idea to go lay down. So, off to bed I went. I think I may have been just completely exhausted or something. I remember laying down, and the next thing I know - I'm out like a light. Normally, I can't sleep without my sweetie in bed with me. But last night, I fell right out. Boom. This morning I feel perfectly normal. I guess it was just a freak thing. Who knows!
Paperwork is piling up on my desk. I think I need to take care of it. It's not going away on it's own!!!!
Be back for more. Later!
Happy Thursday!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Now, here's something to blog about.
At about 11:55 a.m. I received a text message. It was my hubby... He tells me that he is completely miserable. :(
SO. I am worried to pieces.. I text him back.... WHATS WRONG, I ask him....
He then responds with these exact words, "I made a nice picnic lunch for me and a little cutie and she's not here yet."
So, I ask him, "Where are you?"
He responds, "In the gazebo"......
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Right outside my building, there's a beautiful gazebo that sits beside the lake. So, I grab my purse and run out there..
All smiles, there he sits. And beside him is this beautiful basket full of goodies. Flowers, chocolate, sparkling juice with little wine glasses, sliced ham & cheese.. fancy sesame crackers.. pretty napkins, sliced watermelon. The works. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! I couldn't stop hugging him. :) :) :) :) :) :) And then he made me little crackers with spicey little mustard and the ham & cheese... one by one. And, we really had a nice visit. Lot's of little kisses and smiles in between.....
See, hubby and I have been together for 8 1/2 years. We've had our ups, we have our downs. BUT, no matter what, he has always been the most romantic, and sweet/good hearted man I have ever met. It was the nicest lunch date I've had in years (and the last one was with him, too).
After lunch, we took a walk. It was so peaceful. So romantic. <3
Then, he kissed me - and went on his way. <3
Thank you, sweetie. I love you.
What a nice surprise.
Life is good. And on my not so good days, I am going to refer to this blog post.. as a reminder as to how good it really is.
Hope you are having an equally beautiful day.
At about 11:55 a.m. I received a text message. It was my hubby... He tells me that he is completely miserable. :(
SO. I am worried to pieces.. I text him back.... WHATS WRONG, I ask him....
He then responds with these exact words, "I made a nice picnic lunch for me and a little cutie and she's not here yet."
So, I ask him, "Where are you?"
He responds, "In the gazebo"......
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Right outside my building, there's a beautiful gazebo that sits beside the lake. So, I grab my purse and run out there..
All smiles, there he sits. And beside him is this beautiful basket full of goodies. Flowers, chocolate, sparkling juice with little wine glasses, sliced ham & cheese.. fancy sesame crackers.. pretty napkins, sliced watermelon. The works. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! I couldn't stop hugging him. :) :) :) :) :) :) And then he made me little crackers with spicey little mustard and the ham & cheese... one by one. And, we really had a nice visit. Lot's of little kisses and smiles in between.....
See, hubby and I have been together for 8 1/2 years. We've had our ups, we have our downs. BUT, no matter what, he has always been the most romantic, and sweet/good hearted man I have ever met. It was the nicest lunch date I've had in years (and the last one was with him, too).
After lunch, we took a walk. It was so peaceful. So romantic. <3
Then, he kissed me - and went on his way. <3
Thank you, sweetie. I love you.
What a nice surprise.
Life is good. And on my not so good days, I am going to refer to this blog post.. as a reminder as to how good it really is.
Hope you are having an equally beautiful day.

I have to say. I LOVE to laugh.
When I go home from work, at the end of the day - I love sharing my stories about my day. BUT, more than anything else, I love to tell my hubby and my kids about what made me laugh. :)
Laughter..... it feels so good.
When I die - I want people to remember me and say, Boy, that girl made me laugh! :)
Anyway, what made me think to post this? Just the fact that I sometimes sit and think about my week, and what moments made me smile, or laugh....
I know.. I am silly. It's cool. I enjoy being me. And, I love a good laugh.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Here's a site, sure to make you smile - maybe even laugh a little :)

Happy Hump Day!!!!!
And here we have - one more beautiful day!
I'm stretching to grab a hold of the weekend. I look forward to it.
We have a Bar mitzvah to go to. Justin's. He's like our very own kiddo. Although, he is one of the most strange and unusual kids I've ever known, as well as his parents (lol... and I do adore Robin). The apple seriously doesn't fall far from that tree... lolol... Anyway, his big day is this Saturday. I'm looking forward to it, and I know the kids are too. I'm the only one in our family that has been to one of these celebrations. I grew up on Long Island! Our community had a lot of Jewish families. It was cool. I got to experience their faith, and learn a bit about it. Very different from what I am used to. :) But, as always - I embrace every opportunity to learn something new from it.
Last night. Oh my. lol! We went Back to School shopping. School supplies! UGH! I cannot believe what they expect the parents to buy. What ever happened to pens, pencils, and a 3 ring binder??? Oh, and some loose leaf paper. Nope... not any more. Now, you can't even understand what some of the stuff on the list is! :P I'm not kidding! And, when all is said and done - we walked out of Staples $68.00 later!!!! This does not even include the Book bags (backpacks) and some other big stuff. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ok. Now, what does one do if they have a "few" kids, and no money??? How do they manage? It's crazy! *Sigh ....... It's not easy for everyone. I am so completely blessed & fortunate in my life.
What else? Well... I don't know. I've been pretty busy at work, and pretty busy at home. With the kids getting ready to start school next week and all.. it's been a very exciting week at home. And, this week we've had some extra kids - so it's been a bit crazy. Plus, we've had a few nights with an unexpected guest. So, it's been busy. He's a nice guy, having a tough time, needing a peaceful place, and someone to talk to. Of course Fred is a love about it, and takes care of him the best he can. That hubby of mine is so sweet. He spends a lot of time helping others. It's in his nature. Nothing forced about it, whatsoever. One of the things I love most about him. :)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A quote for the day
As I grow to understand life less and less,
I learn to love it more and more.
"Jules Renard"
I learn to love it more and more.
"Jules Renard"
Monday, August 27, 2007

Technology today......
*Big smile.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
Super Sexy!
Made my day - and I know this....
It will make for a delicious night.
I am a very lucky woman. You see.... life may not always be fluffy clouds, and happy smiling faces. But this much I know is true - I am loved. And, I am cherished. And it makes the little things in life that bug me, less important.
Life is good. Even when I bitch about the crappy stuff..... It's all good. :)
Zoom Zoom Zoom

Meet my new Ride
Wooohoooo!!! I am still so excited! I got my 2008 Mazda Cx7! I've wanted this car since it came out. And, it's just beautiful!
Black, turbo! Bose Stereo system, moon roof!! SO adorable! Here's a picture. And, the pictures don't even look as cool as the car.
Adios Mustang. I enjoyed it -but it was not that safe to drive. Hubby was always worried about me. Now, he will worry less. :)
Oh, Happy Monday!!!! :) What a beautiful day!!!
Will post more in a little bit.
I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Happy Friday!

You can get a pretty good idea of how busy my day has been -
this is my first blog today!!!! whew. BUSY BUSY GIRL!!!!!!!
It's 3:00 p.m! And, IT'S Friday!!!
Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!
I am so glad!
Last night I went to bed before 9:30 p.m.
Everything FINALLY caught up to me. Oh my. I was exhausted.
I fell asleep so hard - and so quick.
As soon as my head hit the pillow........... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So, today I feel refreshed! And ready for the weekend. It's about time!
Oh, and besides being very busy.... my shadow is with me at work. My Mini me.. my little pumpkin munchkin... Brooke. :)
She is having the time of her life (who knows why). I guess she still just loves being with me. I'm that much fun to hang out with (lol). I take take it as a compliment, because at this point in most kid/moms lives, they don't want to be hanging out with ole Mommy. So, it's nice - the relationship I have with her. As long as she always knows, and respects me as her Mom, we're good to go!
So, this is it. My Friday blog. No fancy stuff.. nothing sexy... nothing serious. Just a simple message about my day, so far.
Hope yours is wonderful.
Smile, it's Friday!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Good Morning, And Happy Thursday!

It's Thursday.
One more work Day
to go....
We can do it..
Let's get through this!
And, so how was your night???? Mine was okay. One more late night. Except this time I managed to get to bed before Midnight. Can you imagine?!?!?! Now, I'm down to light black circles under my eyes. As opposed to dark black....
Anyway, things are going well. A little stressful at times, but oh well.
I'm taking on a new job. A second one. It should be interesting. We'll see how it goes.....
I am excited about meeting up with my girlfriend Jen. She is such a sweetheart. It's a lot of fun being in touch with her. We're going to meet up in Atlantic City soon. I can't wait to give her a big, fat hug. She's the one I met on the Cruise. She is also the one that I met up with online, in a group (on a website) that I am pretty active on. When we realized we'd met on vacation, we were so excited! Small world. Really. And then, it turns out that our boys became friends in the "tween Club"- very cool. AND THEN... (lol) she lives on Long Island. Where I grew up. She didn't grow up there, but she lives there now. Nice. AND THEN (lmao) ...seriously... she is booking her trip next year, on the same week we're going! Can you imagine? VERY ironic. VERY small world.
But, aside from all that, we've come to the conclusion that we seem to have quite a bit in common. Right now though, she's having a really tough time in her life. Her sister is very sick (and only 40). She in the 4th stage of cancer :( . Well, it's just awful. I'm trying to be supportive. Although I haven't gone through this with a family member, I have gone through it with 2 very special and close people in my life. Unfortunately, they lost the battle. Sad :( Life is not always a bowl of cherries....
Ok, so that's it. See, I'm really getting back on track with my blogging. I really try. And, I give 100 % of myself. My reward? Dunno yet....... But, I'll let you know as soon as I find out. Maybe just a whole heart full of peace, and satisfaction.
Have a pleasant day.
I'm here, if anyone wants to chat.
I owe some friends some emails. I haven't forgotten.
Damn... I'm such a good friend. I wonder how many people really sit there and think of me, the way I think of them. Sometimes I wish I didn't care so much. Wouldn't life be so much easier? Some, I have given up on completely - some, are fading. Makes me sad....
But, today - well, it's going to be good. Because I said so.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This picture is one of my favorites, plus I think it's quite appropriate for today. :)
How's everyone???? I'm doing well, thank you!
Today is yet another rainy day! And my poor hubby... he's off on a deep sea fishing trip. Not exactly his "cup of tea" - but I hope he's having fun. He keeps sending me pictures through picture mail on my phone. So far, so good. He looks healthy! He is often prone to seasickness. I have my fingers crossed that he survives this trip, and feels good all day!
Let me see. I got to bed late again last night. I think I must look zombie like at this point. We had a friend over pretty late. Good guy. We were showing him pictures of his big 40th Birthday bash. We all had some good laughs over them. For some reason, we all came out terrible in the pictures - but he was the worst. LMAO! It was fun.
Not much else is new on this fine HUMP day. We're 1/2 way through the week, and that's a nice thing. I always look forward to the weekend. And yet, I certainly don't want to wish my beautiful life away.
So, that's about it. Send me a "Shout out" as my friend would call it.... tell me hi, I'm here if you want (or need) a smile or two. :)
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

GOOD MORNING!!!!!! And, Happy Tuesday!!! :)
Wow. The rain may have held off most of the summer, but not anymore!!! It's day 3 of rain. I like it. I don't care if it makes me sleepy in the morning. I don't care if my hair gets all sorts of wild. I don't care if my toes get wet (because I refuse to wear closed up shoes)... and who really cares if it gets dark, during the day? I enjoy the cooler weather it has brought. And the yellow, sun burnt grass is turning green again. I enjoy the rain. I even like to take my time, walking in it. :) Sometimes, if I'm in a really good mood, I'll dance like a silly little fool - to the music in my head.
So - that's my take on the weather. :P
Everything else is OK. I am happy today. I feel good, and today is going to be a good day.
I'm having fun chatting with my new friend. She and I have a lot in common. It's so much fun. It's nice making new friends. Life is to short to hide away. I did it - for way too long. I'm full of things to say. I need to get out more, it's nice. :)
Here I go... rambling. lol@myself.
Hope you're day is bright and sunny, on the inside.
Monday, August 20, 2007

Good Morning :)
Happy Monday!
About my weekend:
It was very productive.
I didn't have the best time, but a lot was accomplished.
Mom came over for Dinner last night. Dad's in Arizona, visiting his sister.
It was brought to my attention that it seems I have been losing interest in blogging. Well, not really. It's just that a lot of things have been going on in my life lately. I don't always have time to sit and post. I do love it, though.
Like anything else in life, there are ups and downs. Not always easy to find the time, or even try to journal my feelings. Really, that's about all there is to it. :) And, I'm fine - and well.
So, this weekend.
Clean sweep of the house. Spring cleaning (yes, at the end of the summer) DONE.
woohooo!!! To celebrate, we took the kids out for dinner, bought them a few "goodies" they've been wanting - and everyone was happy. They really helped out so much. It felt so good, getting things done. Plus, it was nice having everyone together, at home - without any other kids, etc.... I think we came to the conclusion that it was the first weekend of the summer that it was the 4 of us, the whole weekend. Not the 6 of us, or the 3 of us.... lol.....
What else?... Oh, I know. Over the weekend, I connected with a woman I had met on our cruise. Very cool! She is planning her trip for next year, and we might be on the same one (again) in 2008. I hope so. I owe her a "Ladies Night Out". :) It was interesting how we met. In the hallway. We were both staying on deck 11. And, it's funny... we connected right away. Sometimes it amazes me. I can meet some people, and never really feel any type of connection, whatsoever. Yet, once in a blue moon, I will run into a complete stranger, exchange a few words, and suddenly feel like I've known them for a long time. It's interesting. And the way this woman and I hooked up, over the weekend - was even more ironic. Long story. Very wild..... will share sometime.
So, that's about it. I think I might make some coffee, and get some work done. :)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Happy Sunday

Good Morning, and Happy Sunday.
Something to think about
You can't be all things to all people
You can't do everything at once
You can't do all things, equally well.
You can't do everything better than everyone else
Your humanity does show...
it does make a difference.
SO ...
You have to find out who you are
and be that.
YOU decide what comes first
and do that.
You must discover your strengths
and use them.
You should learn not to compete with others-
Because no one else is in the contest
of "being you."
THEN ...
You will have learned to
accept your own uniqueness
set priorities and make decisions.
live with your limitations..
give yourself the respect that is due
That you are a wonderful, unique person
That it's more than a right
it's your duty...
to be who you are.
That life is not a problem to solve
but a gift to cherish.
And you'll be able to stay one up
on what used to get you down.
Make today a beautiful day.
Life is short.
Maybe you can even take a moment to dance a little..
smile at a stranger -
Every little bit matters.
That's why I blog.
I hope to make a difference...
touch a life.
Bring a smile to the surface..
I do try. I hope you notice :)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Today is going to be a good day. Repeat after me......
It's Saturday! It's gorgeous, and - there's no reason to have it any other way!
So, put on your sexy panties, shake your head "yes", and agree... nothing can bring your pretty self down today. :)
Do what it takes to make it a good one. I will. And, I'll share with you later!!!
May happiness and peace shine over you!
Friday, August 17, 2007

Went to bed at 1:00 a.m.
But, I feel better than I did yesterday. Strange.... less sleep, more energy.
Here's a topic to post.
Volunteer work.
It has me a little discouraged. Just a bit.
Ok. So, I want to work as a volunteer for the Hospice care center in my area. So, I call the place, and ask them to send me the "application". The woman was very sweet on the phone. We talked for a few moments, and she asked me a few basic questions (one of them was "Are you over 18?" lol) - as you may know me, I sound like a kid on the phone. This doesn't always work to my advantage :). Anyway, long story short :P - I get this application. I'm very excited..... and then I read.
You know... for a place that seeks volunteers... they certainly don't make it easy to help. They have all sorts of "rules" that apply, before they will accept you as a volunteer. OK, no problem. After all, I am just trying to help. But, they won't even consider you unless you are willing to sign a contract agreeing to commit a minimum of 1 year. I still understand. They don't want someone to come in, and not be reliable. However, "what if" something comes up - and I am unable to do this for an entire year? I'd be in a contract. "What if" I can't do it, for other reasons. I am really confused about this. I want to help. I do. So much. I don't get it. Any suggestions? I have the time. I have the energy. And, most of all - I have the heart. <3 But, I'm not sure now. I don't want to get sued or anything if I had to back out of their "contract" - why is everything so difficult? What happened to "volunteer work" being just that.... people accepting help from others who are able to give some time, to help those in need? *shrugs
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Well, there's a lot going on lately.
It's been crazy.
Time is flying!
The kids are all finished with their summer vacations, and we're getting ready to send them BOTH to Middle School. Wow. Unreal. Seems like yesterday they were just starting Kindergarten.
Even the weather feels like it's winding down, and getting cooler. And, it's getting darker, earlier.... where did the summer go?
I'm pretty excited about some things coming up, in the future. Fred meets with Nate tonight to go over some of their business stuff. My wish is that it will be a huge success, and Fred can eventually leave the current position he's in. It's killing him. Mentally, emotionally. I can't stand it. I'm praying that someday he'll be 100% into the business, and happy, content, and feeling totally fulfilled.
Me, well... I'm ok. I am wating for paperwork to arrive in the mail for a program that I'm going to be training for. I'm going (and hubby is too, if time allows) to be training for 5 weeks to work as a Hospice volunteer. I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping that I can be of some help... and be a friend, to someone who might not have one. What ever it takes. I want to help. So, it's something I look forward to. I'll be starting that on September 24th. I'll share more, as I learn about the whole process. :)
What else? Well... I dunno. Things have been up and down. Sometimes I feel like a little hamster, spinning my wheels.... and sometimes, I am content, and peaceful. Today, I'm somewhere inbetween.
Wow. It's truly a beautiful day. I'm going to focus on that. :) I have my window, right beside my desk..... I need to appreciate the beauty of this day......

Happy Wednesday! I'm here. Just getting ready for another day at the office. :P
It's beautiful out. I only wish that sadness and stuff didn't exist. I hope for happiness, and goodness.. and smiles, and cheer. And I hope the blues are gone away.... soon.
Happy Hump Day!
Be back soon to do some blogging! :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
LMAO! I love it!

I am in rare form today. lol@myself. I think it's partially due to the very strong fumes coming in from the hallway. They are painting or something. Honestly, it smells a lot stronger than paint. I hope it doesn't kill my brain cells. I have so few left to spare these days! :P
I am so excited! I got a new phone and new service last night. YIPPIE!!! Let's celebrate. I have been with Sprint PCS for almost 8 years. Yep, that long. And, all of the 8 years have been just awful! lol. But, when I first got with them, hubby and I hardly had 2 dimes to rub together. So, they gave us service, and we just stuck with them. Well, we've come a long way, baby! And we have beautiful, A+ credit. And, we felt it was about time to move along to a new plan, with a new company. SO, long story short (is there such thing with me?)lol..... we switched to Verizon. And, I have this awesome phone. It's gorgeous. And, it has a full keyboard, and all sorts of fun and funky stuff. I have lots of reading to do. Even a camcorder! cool! lol. See, it doesn't take much to get me excited.... :P My Co-worker tells me that my phone is called an enV. It's so much fun!!!! So far, so good!!!
Here a pic of it. Except mine is ORANGE! If you know me, you know I like classy, but it must have a twist of funky, or sexy.... or something like that!! :P

Happy Tuesday!
Monday, August 13, 2007

What a day. What a long, difficult day. Is it almost 5:00???? *sigh
Sometimes I feel like saying "F you" out loud. To everyone. Seriously. I think to myself... If only I could just tell everyone that crosses my path, exactly what I think of them.... but I don't. And, it's probably a good thing. Because, usually.. the feelings pass. Ok, well sometimes.. But you know, I wish I wasn't such a pushover. I am. I wish I wasn't.
*Deep breath
I'm ok. Just a tough day.
I had lunch with Mom. It was very nice. She couldn't talk about the weekend without falling apart, and crying. Good crying. It was very emotional. She is very emotional.. I am too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. :)
Something about the weekend. This whole aging process. It's sometimes overwhelming. I have always been one of the "babies" in the family. I still am, to a degree. I sit there and look at all of these faces, of the people in my family.. and I am amazed. So many changes. So many new lines, wrinkles, a few extra pounds, here... there.... less hair, gray hair.. hair in places there was never hair (lol).... and it's amazing to me. This whole process we go through - grow through. The lives, the love, the family I have always been a part of. Where has time gone? How has it gotten away from us so quickly? I can't believe it sometimes. It is very emotional. Hard to think about, at times.
Visits have gone from every few months, to once a year - at best. Sad. And life isn't slowing down. It actually seems like it's moving along faster. And honestly, I struggle with this whole process. It's strange. And right now, I'm not making enough sense to continue with this thought process....
I know what I'm feeling. And thinking. It's just difficult to make sense of it in writing..... for now.
Today I am a Blogging fool~!

This is My Aunt Suzie. :)
She was my idol when I was a little girl. I wanted to be like her, and look like her. She was quite a "girly girl". My Mom wasn't. Mom was & is, a bit more conservative... and me... not so much... (would you have ever guessed?). Anyway.... My Aunt Suzie is so very sweet. She is still beautiful to me. And so precious. :)
It was nice to see her. I just love her so much.
Just Dance...
Trying this again......
Happy Monday. Oh, so Happy Monday.

I'm trying to find my happy place...... searching, this morning. Bad morning. :(
I'm trying to turn it around..
So, good Morning. I hope this blog helps me to feel better. I hope who ever is reading it, feels wonderful. I hope that the sun is shining over you, and you're smiling - from ear to ear. It's a lovely day. So much to be grateful for.
I am grateful this morning for:
-Waking up, and having the opportunity to face a new day. A new adventure
-Seeing my little girl this morning, even though she was 1/2 asleep... she's home..
(and my son, although I didn't see him this morning)
-Having this job to come to. Sometimes I forget how far I've come
Happy Monday.
I'm trying to find my happy place...... searching, this morning. Bad morning. :(
I'm trying to turn it around..
So, good Morning. I hope this blog helps me to feel better. I hope who ever is reading it, feels wonderful. I hope that the sun is shining over you, and you're smiling - from ear to ear. It's a lovely day. So much to be grateful for.
I am grateful this morning for:
-Waking up, and having the opportunity to face a new day. A new adventure
-Seeing my little girl this morning, even though she was 1/2 asleep... she's home..
(and my son, although I didn't see him this morning)
-Having this job to come to. Sometimes I forget how far I've come
Happy Monday.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
When the Day is done... And the party is over....
Happy Sunday! Home from NY with hubby & the kids!
3 Generations of women :)

My Mom
My Granny
& me.
What a nice weekend. NICE TIME! Awesome people. Family. :)
The Wedding was beautiful. Sweet. We really enjoyed it a lot.
I had the best time hanging out with Joey and Rose. Rose and I are so much alike. We laughed and laughed. We danced, and we talked and talked and talked... It was just great!
Now, Friday was a different story. The ride up there was awful. It took us over 6 hours to get there. The ride should have been about 3 1/2 hours long. It was miserable. Usually long trips are no problem. This one was yucky. Hubby and I were both kinda grouchy..... and that didn't help. BUT, we did the best we could, and made the best of it. When we arrived at our Hotel, we were thrilled to pieces. It was nice to finally arrive.
I have some pictures to share. Nothing major. But, a few. :)
Glad to be home. Happy to have the kids back. :) We picked them up on our way home from NY. It's nice to have everyone back together.....

My Mom
My Granny
& me.
What a nice weekend. NICE TIME! Awesome people. Family. :)
The Wedding was beautiful. Sweet. We really enjoyed it a lot.
I had the best time hanging out with Joey and Rose. Rose and I are so much alike. We laughed and laughed. We danced, and we talked and talked and talked... It was just great!
Now, Friday was a different story. The ride up there was awful. It took us over 6 hours to get there. The ride should have been about 3 1/2 hours long. It was miserable. Usually long trips are no problem. This one was yucky. Hubby and I were both kinda grouchy..... and that didn't help. BUT, we did the best we could, and made the best of it. When we arrived at our Hotel, we were thrilled to pieces. It was nice to finally arrive.
I have some pictures to share. Nothing major. But, a few. :)
Glad to be home. Happy to have the kids back. :) We picked them up on our way home from NY. It's nice to have everyone back together.....
Friday, August 10, 2007
Hello, and Happy Friday!

Good Morning!!! And, Happy Friday!
So, today I leave for New York. You think I'm all packed up and ready to go? Nope! Tomorrow is the wedding. You think I know what I'm wearing? No clue. :P Oh my.... I think I have some work to do here. :)
It's raining! Yippie! It's all good. The weather is much less hot and humid. I am grateful for that. :) I even enjoy traveling in this weather. It's kinda "cozy".
This week I've felt depressed. For a number of reasons, as well as, for no particular reason at all. Despite the fact that this may not seem to make sense, being that I have this wonderful life, I have felt sad. Yeah, kids are away. Yes, I felt fabulous on my vacation, and it was difficult when I had to come down off that "high". Yes, I have PMS. Okay, so flex time is over at work...... and well, the weather has be unbearable. Oh, lets not even mention that I have friends that well..... maybe they aren't REALLY my friends at all. Sometimes that hurts, too. BUT, I have beautiful things going on in my life. Yeah. I sure do. This weekend I get to see all sorts of family members that I haven't seen in a year (since the last wedding). And, I have this husband, he loves me so much. And, he proves it to me each and every day. So, why do I feel so blue? Ah, who the hell really knows. Besides the long list of "crap".... lol. But, I'll be ok. And perhaps later on today, I'll be all smiles and stuff. :)
Besides my mood... I have taken the plunge. lol. Ventured out a bit.... gone to the "other side" a bit.. No, nothing crazy! I opened a "myspace". Some friends and family have been trying to get me to try it out. Actually, they don't know this blog even exists (lol), so they've been encouraging me to go there. SO, I did. It's cool. MY brother is "my friend", Aunt Rose (who is beautiful and 5 years younger than me) is "my friend" - Shannon (of course) "my friend"...... and heck, I can communicate with lots of other friends and family. I have my cousins on there, and all sorts of people. It's fun, I admit. I think I'm going to enjoy it, over there. :)
Well, the shower awaits me. And so does the suitcase, the bed that needs to be made... :)
YOU have yourself a very nice weekend. I certainly intend to. :) I will hopefully have more pictures to share. I love taking pictures... has anyone noticed? :)
Ciao! Be safe. Enjoy life. Embrace the ones you love. Life is not a dress rehearsal... as I try to remind myself on a daily basis. It's real. It's the only one we get. Don't let potential "precious moments" pass you by. Let someone know how special they are to you.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Looks Like Rain!

In a way I hope it rains. I think if it does, it will wash away some of this leftover heat. Plus, we could use a little rain..
Tonight should be peaceful. Not much on the agenda. I do have to figure out what I'm wearing to Meg's wedding. And, I suppose I could start to pack a weekend bag. I guess it just depends on how I feel when I get home.
So, it's off to New York tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the ride up there. It's really pretty. We're headed to Upstate New York. Not NYC. I am happy to go, as I really do miss some of my family, and look forward to visiting them. :) It should be nice!
That's about it for me. Today was a busy day here at work. Lot's going on, lots of crashing of our new computer program. This program we're using now has A LOT of wrinkles..... lots to be worked on, and worked through.... nothing is ever easy.
So.... this is my life. I know, I haven't blogged much. I've had a lot going on. I have hardly had a moment to gather my thoughts in my head, let alone try to find the time and the energy to express them in here.
I hope everyone in my life is happy, healthy, and safe. Funny... friends come and go. Some, without a last word spoken.... some are always there, and some fade in, and fade out... in, and out........ in any case - I wish everyone the very best in life, and hope that there's a smile - on every face that passes through my blog....

Good Morning, And Happy Thursday!!!!
Well, what a nice relief we have today..... it's not a million degrees out!!! And the humidity is down (a little). So much nicer to take a deep breath, and not feel like I'm sucking in this thick, yucky air!
Last night was really nice. Hubby and I went out for Dinner, and then we met our friends, Nate & Judie - as well as some other friends. It was just a nice time. Fred, Nate and Neil talked business a little, while Judie had Steve signing papers to buy a house... it was funny. Never a dull moment. I pretty much sat there observing, sipping on my water, and enjoying sounds of the 60's and 70's. :)
Once Steve saw me...... he was like a magnet to me. lol! He is so creepy and weird. I don't take offense to his comments, he's just a freak. (lol, not the good kind). I am polite, and thank him... even when he calls me a MILF. (no class, but hey.... you can't teach everyone). Plus, hubby is right there to protect me, if he gets out of line.
Other than that, it was really pleasant. We love Nate and Judie. They have been good friends to us for over 7 years. Very good hearted people. Very loyal friends. It's nice to be spending time with them again. :)
We made it home at a decent hour, and I went to bed, and slept like a rock. This morning, I didn't want to get out of bed. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Things are going well. I miss my little lovie kids. I miss them a lot. But, I'm happy that they are having a fun filled summer, full of great things to do. I hope they never forget the good times, when they grow up. They are very fortunate to have so many amazing opportunities.... they are blessed.
Well, it's back to work I go..... I'll blog more later!!! I'm in a chatty mood. :P
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ok, going out to dinner tonight. I cannot wait until the heatwave passes over PA. It's miserable out there. I can't stand it!
Other than that, I'm doing peachy. It's hump day and I did NOT post a sexy picture. I had a rough start to my day, so I wasn't much in the mood for blogging..... Now, I feel better, and will double up on the sexy hump day pics next week! lol
Have a great evening.
Keep cool. It's a hot one out there.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Today is busy. We're up to our eyeballs in paperwork, and the phones won't stop ringing...
I have so many places to be tonight...
Things are happening, changes are occurring.... I'm nervous, excited, and anxious about them all.
So many changes.
The kids are away, and I think of them bunches. I hope they're having a great, happy, safe time.
I'm so glad that I'm feeling better. I was miserable over the weekend. I felt just awful!
Back to work I go. I just needed a few moments to take a break, and think about everything.
I miss blogging.... I miss it. I love to express myself. :) And, I haven't been doing much of that, lately.
Well.... back to work I go!
Saturday, August 4, 2007

And, off they go....... for an entire week.
The kids left this morning. I hope they have an awesome time.
Poor Brooke. She still wasn't feeling 100%. I honestly think that she had some type of virus. Her stomach was killing her for days. I pretty much thought it was just her diet, or something.... but today, my stomach has been killing me :(
I'm glad she's getting better. I haven't had much energy for anything... and the heat has finally kicked my butt. It was miserable out today...UGH. I can tolerate heat - but not feeling well made it a lot worse. Poor me. :(
So, needless to say, it's been a very quiet day. Hubby had calls to go on. Air Conditioners were failing, left and right.. and I just sat here trying to feel better. Now, it's almost 9:00 p.m. , and we haven't really had the opportunity to get out and enjoy our Child free weekend. :( Hopefully tomorrow will be different. I want to wake up, and feel fabulous. Keep your fingers crossed. I am!
We did run out earlier today. I picked up a beautiful Pottery Barn Salad Bowl set. It's very nice! I hope to get a lot of use out of it. And, tomorrow - I will try my best to get back on track with eating well. I've done terrible with my eating, since my trip. I feel like a slug!
Anyway.... Happy weekend. Peace!
Here's my salad bowl set:

Happy Saturday!

Ahhh! The weekend is HERE! I'm free!
So glad it's Saturday. I'm sitting in my bed, enjoying the fact that I don't have to get up and go! :) It's a beautiful thing.
The kids leave today for a WHOLE week. WoW! They're going to Ocean City with their Dad and his family. They all go every year. All the cousins, etc.... they have a blast. This year Brandon will bring his best friend. The biggest reason for that is, all 7 of their cousins are girls. Poor Brandon! :) So, now he'll have Justin to buddy with. It should be nice. And, it will be very quiet here for a week.
I think we might be getting together with our friends, Nate and Judie - tonight. We haven't seen them since Nate's big Birthday celebration. It's so nice when we see them. I look forward to it.
The rest of the weekend is a mystery! And....MONDAY, well -back to the regular, fall hours. Yuck!!!!!
And, next weekend, off to New York for my cousins Wedding.
Well, off I go!!!!!! Hope you have a great weekend.
Photo: Para sailing in Bermuda.
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