Sorry if I haven't been very entertaining.
Working on getting back on track!

Pumpkin Facts
-Pumpkin (pepon) is a Greek word for "large melon".
-Pumpkins are thought to have originated in North America.
Indians dried strips of pumpkins and wove them into mats, they also roasted long strips on an open fire to eat.
-Pumpkins are a fruit.
-Pumpkins are a type of squash. They are a member of Cucurbita family (cucumbers, zucchini, etc.).
Pumpkins are grown on six of the seven continents (not on Antarctica) even Alaska grows pumpkins.
Pumpkins can be used for many purposes
People food, animal food, decoration and Halloween
90% of pumpkins are grown for Halloween
Pilgrims sliced off top of pumpkin, removed seeds, then filled inside with milk, spices and honey.
Pumpkin was then baked in hot ashes. Insides were eaten with a spoon, like pudding.
Pumpkins are planted by seed (3-5 ft. apart).
Pumpkins require 90 to 120 days to mature.
Pumpkins are planted in late June (harvest Sept./Oct.).
Average yield 14 ½ tons (29,000 lbs. = 2000 pumpkins / Acre).
Average weight = 10-20 lbs.
Pumpkins like "Coastal" type weather (warm days/cool nights).
Pumpkin flower is only receptive to pollination for one day.
White flies, aphids and leaf hoppers are the pumpkin's biggest pests.
Americans spend over $1 Billion / year at Halloween.
Largest pumpkin was grown in Oregon in 2002 - 1173 lbs!
After carving pumpkin, coat inside and all cut holes with petroleum jelly (slows shriveling/drying out process).
Use battery light or glow stick instead of candles to increase life (candles are much hotter).
Sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg on underside of lid when using candles (smells like pumpkin pie).
Q: How do you fix a broken pumpkin?
A: Use a "Pumpkin Patch"